Saturday, June 30, 2018

Oh The Monotony!

Metaphors of Monotony
A hamster wheel keeps the hamster busy and is a great form of exercise, but the hamster is still in his cage when the wheel stops spinning. A great metaphor describing why we need the power of NooDoo in our lives.
Too many times we are essentially human hamsters! We wish to break out of our self-imposed limitations. But we can never seem to reach the other side of our limits. Why? Because we are caught in a self-defeating cycle, doing the same thing over and over.
A treadmill is a great invention for helping you get some cardio, improve your health and burn some of those evil calories. But you could walk all day on a treadmill and still not move an inch ahead. The reason? Because you are literally walking on a loop.
"Okay, Captain Obvious, what's the point?," you reply. Simply this: the same principle applies to the metaphorical treadmill we call our daily lives. If we want to make any real headway in a particular area of our lives, we must step off our looping patterns and take a new approach.
The absurdity of clinging to self-defeating patterns can be seen by thinking about various real-world examples. Consider the following:

watching the same movie or the same movie scene over and over

watching reruns of a television show, or the same episode, over and over while missing out on the variety of other programming available

reading the same book over and over to the exclusion of all other books

reading the first chapter of a book over and over while ignoring the rest of the book

reading one sentence or one paragraph over and over when there are so many more sentences and paragraphs to read

buying a music CD of your favorite singer or band and only listening to one hit song while never giving any of the other tracks a chance

a scratched CD that gets "stuck" on one part of a song

trying to compete in a bicycle race by riding on a stationary bike, expending a lot of strenuous effort while making no progress

an aspiring bodybuilder who lifts the same amount of weight, never moving up to heavier weights, while hoping to get bigger and bigger

a restaurant that serves only one dish

a church choir that only sings one hymn or only one verse of a hymn over and over

a pastor who preaches the same sermon during every church service when there is so much more that the congregation needs to hear

going to the same vacation spot year after year

eating the same meal for dinner, night after night
While some of the aforementioned examples might seem ridiculous, well that's the point. The purpose of the list is to illustrate the absurdity of allowing ourselves to get caught up in confining patterns of behavior and actions which fail to get us what we want.

© Matt Decker

» This post is excerpted from my eBook  The Magic of NOODOO

Friday, June 29, 2018

There's More...

As Christians, the hope of Heaven is central to our faith. ''If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.'' (1 Corinthians 15:19) God promised us the hope of eternal life before the world began (Titus 1:2). We are to lay up for ourselves ''treasures in heaven'' (Matthew 6:20). Our heavenly hope is a source of purification (1 John 3:3) and comfort (1 Thessalonians 4:18).
But as I'm sure you have noticed, we don't get immediately transported to eternal glory after giving our hearts to the Lord. Grace is the ticket to Heaven but in most cases there is a waiting period. In the meantime we are stuck down here in ''the darkness of this world'' (Ephesians 6:12) where the devil is walking around like a roaring lion, salivating for someone to devour (see 1 Peter 5:8). Since this is the case, there is a need to continue in the grace that brought light to our souls.

Have you ever been watching a movie or television show, eager to see how the story ends, only to see those teasing words: to be continued...? What do those words mean? This is not the end of the story. There's more to come. Likewise, the story of grace doesn't end at the moment you invite Christ into your heart. It's as if the Holy Spirit writes ''to be continued'' with spiritual ink on your inner man. Each day is to be a continuation of the grace of God in the episodes of our lives.
Thank God for saving grace. Thank God for the redemptive key of grace that unlocks the heavenly gates of eternity. But there is also healing grace. There is delivering grace. 2 Corinthians 9:8 refers to financial grace which abounds toward us as a result of our cheerful giving.
There is daily grace to meet our earthly needs. Hebrews 4:16 invites us to boldly approach God's ''throne of grace'' for ''grace to help us in our time of need'' (New International Version). The Apostle Peter wrote about ''the grace of life'' (1 Peter 3:7).
There is grace to lead us through the Maze of problems and challenges on this side of eternity. Thank God for the ''sweet by-and-by.'' But there is grace to get us through the bitter here-and-now! 

© Matt Decker

» This post is excerpted from my book  GRACE IN A MAZE: How to Make it Through

Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Itty-Bitty City

Kurt Millican, oozing beads of summer sweat, surveys the freshly-cut lawn. The exhausted insurance agent peels his sticky shirt from his pot belly and uses it to wipe his scorched face. He breathes a dehydrated sigh of relief as he sees his lovely and loving wife, Lisa, approaching with a tall glass of ice water.
"You look a bit...parched." Lisa playfully grins while handing her man the rapidly-warming refreshment.
"Ah, you always know just what I need." Kurt reaches for the glass with a sun-burnt arm. "What would I do without my water girl?"
"I don't know," she quips with a smirk, "and don't call me that." The suburban couple both giggle in the heat, scanning the lush landscape of their backyard.
After gulping the water in what surely must be record time, Kurt begins to inquire about the evening plans. "So what do you --"
Lisa interrupts, grabbing her hubby's arm. "Wait a minute. Do you hear that? Listen."
He lowers his moist eyebrows in confusion. "Hear what, honey? I don't --"
Lisa quickly places her finger on his lips to induce silence. She is not a librarian, but she plays one in this moment.
Kurt amusingly watches his beloved as she tip-toes around the yard, searching for the source of whatever she hears. Her investigation ultimately leads to the patch of grass behind the parked mower. She bends down on all fours.
A voice speaks from above.
"Watch out for the ants, honey." Kurt is now standing over her, trying his darnedest to pick up the sound waves. So far? Nothing. "What is it? I mean, what kind of sound is it?"
Lisa raises her head and looks up at Kurt. Those eyes. Bright, blue and beautiful. They were the first feature he noticed about her, way back in the day. He composed a poem about them while they were dating. Not exactly a literary gem, but still. And these years later, they still mesmerize him.
On this occasion, however, they reflect something other than sentimental affection. They are saturated with confusion. "You mean, you still don't hear it?"
Kurt slowly shakes his head in the negative. "Sweetheart, you know that my hearing ain't the greatest. And I just climbed off that roaring machine there. My ears haven't fully recovered yet."
Lisa reaches up for a helping hand. "That is really weird," she says on the way up. "It sounds like...almost like...tiny voices screaming out for help." The incredulous expression on her analytical partner's sweaty face doesn't go unnoticed. "I know how ridiculous that sounds," she acknowledges. She can all but read Kurt's thought: Do you? She continues. "I wish I could at least figure out where exactly it's coming from."
Perceiving her exasperation, Kurt places a consoling hand on her back. "Well honey, sometimes the great outdoors can be a very mysterious place." A few moments of awkward silence dissipate into the sunshine. "As I'm sure you'll agree, I'm in desperate need of a shower. See you in a bit."
Lisa stares at the ground with a mixture of curiosity and consternation. Kurt proceeds to return the mower to the shed.
Meanwhile, in a land not too far away, a different version of reality has unfolded...

It's a dark day. The usually-bustling city has come to a dramatic and tragic halt. It is a horrific scene. Devastation everywhere. Destruction all around. Chaos on every corner.
What has happened here? What could have wreaked such nightmarish havoc? For the answer, let us take a few short steps back in time...

The city park, hosting a birthday party, is packed with happy children and filled with their playful squeals and laughter. Two mothers are discussing the usual: work issues, school concerns, church functions and whatnot. Suddenly, the casual conversation takes a decidedly alarming turn.
"Did you hear that? Is that thunder?"
"I really don't think so. Thunder doesn't continuously roar like that."
"Well, what is it? Where is it coming from?"
"Listen! It's getting louder. It must be getting nearer."
"It sounds like it's coming from behind that hill over there."
In this moment, the air space is horrifyingly violated by monstrous, screaming blades of a metal vortex. The tops of gleaming skyscrapers are chopped off like locks of hair at a barbershop. Terrorized citizens run for their lives. The deafening howl of the rampaging invader drowns out the blood-curdling screams of the people.
In one hellish instant, the radiant sunshine of a glorious day becomes a massive shadow as the growling giant rolls overhead. Day becomes night. Light becomes darkness. Gargantuan wheels tear through the landscape of the once-beautiful city, leaving deep canyons in their wake. Decades of extensive and expensive construction projects undone in a matter of minutes. Gone -- just like that.


"Welcome" to the itty-bitty city of Miniopolis. It's unfortunate that you couldn't visit on a happier day. This place is very much like the geographical location you call home. The only difference is one of scale.
Theoretically, you could hold the tiny city of Miniopolis in the palm of one hand, with plenty of room to spare. Lisa Millican failed to see it because, though trained as a security professional, her eyes were unable to perceive the scene at such a miniature scale. It's a small world, after all.
As it happens, the itty-bitty city of Miniopolis isn't a stand-alone phenomenon. True, it is the focus of our story. But the reality is that there are many millions of these diminutive civilizations spread across this big blue rock. You will never eye them on any map. Real estate, as we understand it up here, is not really an issue. They don't require much space. It's a small world, after all.

Don't worry about the victimized Miniopolians. Feel compassion, yes. But they will recover. For, you see, they are master builders and master rebuilders. It's a forced mastery - developed from having to live each and every minute under the feet of giants.
Does size matter? Ask the tiny inhabitants of itty-bitty Miniopolis. If you can spot them, that is. Just be careful to not squash them.
It's a small world, after all.

© Matt Decker

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Man of Still

The storms of life descend upon us all. No one is exempt from the raging resistance of this tempestuous voyage we call life. We can have Jesus Himself in our boat and yet be in peril. It's the harsh reality of navigating the turbulent waters of the temporal realm. But the sunlight of good news shines behind the threatening storm clouds. The thunder may clap, the lightning may flash, the waves may swell and the wind may blow. But as long as our faith is fixed on the One in our boat, there will be peace and victory.

» Mark 4:39 (emphasis mine)
39 And [Jesus] arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be STILL. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
Superman is the so-called Man of Steel, but the disciples had Someone far superior in their boat. They were blessed with the holy presence of the Super Savior - the Man of Still. This Man exercised complete command of the angry elements. This Man stilled the storm by declaring but three simple words. This Man brought a great calm to both the tempest outside as well as the disturbance within the hearts and minds of the disciples. And ''this same Jesus'' is with us also.


» Psalm 23:2
2 ...he leadeth me beside the still waters.
The Shepherd leads His sheep by still waters. According to a note in my Bible, the original Hebrew reads: ''waters of quietness.'' This is such a beautiful, tranquil image. Still waters are the opposite of stormy, turbulent, agitated waters. This is a description of perfect peace - the very peace of God (see Isaiah 26:3; Philippians 4:7). The Man of Still is our Shepherd. He can do this for us.

» Psalm 107:29 (emphasis mine)
29 He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are STILL.
This Super Scripture, as well as the verses surrounding it, seems to foreshadow the storied miracle on the boat. In fact, it reads as if the psalmist is recording the future New Testament incident in real-time as an eyewitness. ''Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!'' (verse 31) The LORD is good. He pours His goodness upon us in so many ways. He does wonderful works on our behalf. The stillness of perfect peace in the storm is included among these wonderful blessings. And we ought to praise Him for it!

» Psalm 65:7
7 [God] stilleth the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and the tumult of the people.
Imagine being one of the passengers on that boat with Jesus. It's ''quite'' noisy, isn't it? (Pardon the pun.) Hear the reverberating thunder. Hear the rushing of the wind, advancing on the vessel like the fierce offensive of an invading army. Hear the cruel crescendo of crashing waves, filling the boat with too much of a good thing. And besides all this, hear the ''tumult of the people'' - the people being the terrified disciples. These are not exactly waters of quietness. But it shall be well because the Man of Still is awake. He will bring stillness to this noise. And He will do the same for us today if we focus our faith on Him.

» Psalm 89:8-9 (emphasis mine)
8 O LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee?
9 Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, THOU STILLEST THEM.
The Man of Still is Lord of the storm. This means, not that He is the author of the trouble, but that He reigns over it. He rules the raging of the sea. He is greater than the gale, mightier than the mayhem and more powerful than the peril. He stills the towering, threatening waves. There is never any reason to fear when He is in the boat with us.


» Exodus 14:13 (emphasis mine)
13 And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, STAND STILL, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.
When facing a seemingly impossible situation, there is a human tendency to frantically move about in a flurry of desperate activity. ''I must take action,'' we internally scream at ourselves. ''I must do as much as I can, as fast as I can.'' The truth, however, is that this reaction has more to do with fear than go-getting determination. The fleeing Israelites felt the same way. There seemed to be no way out. But they were commanded to stop the fear and to stand still. In essence, they were ordered to trust in the delivering hand of God. This required putting the impossibility in His care and trusting in His power. The same applies to us. When we do this, we can be confident that the Man of Still will make a way where there is no way. ''The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.'' (verse 14)


» Joshua 10:12-14 (emphasis mine)
12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, STAND THOU STILL upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
13 And THE SUN STOOD STILL, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies...So THE SUN STOOD STILL IN THE MIDST OF HEAVEN, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
14 And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.
This is one of the most mind-boggling and mouth-opening events recorded in the Bible. Contemplate the magnitude of what we have read. God actually alters the activity of the sun and moon, thus altering time itself (at least temporarily). What a miracle! ''The sun and moon stood still in their habitation...'' (Habakkuk 3:11) Think it not strange that Joshua speaks a command to celestial bodies. The Man of Still once caused an immature fig tree to dry up from the roots by speaking to it (Mark 11:12-14,20-21). Supernatural things can happen when we use our spiritual authority.


» Psalm 4:4 (emphasis mine)
4 Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and BE STILL. Selah.
Prayer is communing with our heavenly Father. This Super Scripture, however, says nothing about having a conversation with God. Instead, it instructs us to meditate and commune with our own heart as we lay in bed, in the quietness of the night. This is the all-important practice of listening to the inner man of our spirit. ''The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.'' (Proverbs 20:27) The Man of Still declared that ''rivers of living water'' flow out of these inward parts of the belly (John 7:38). The Spirit of God bears witness with the human spirit; this is how a believer knows he is a child of God (Romans 8:16). At Corinth, we find the Apostle Paul being ''pressed'' in his spirit (Acts 18:5). This quiet, meditative communion with our heart is essential to receiving divine guidance.
The stillness of the night is an ideal time to hear from the Man of Still within our heart. He is not likely to shout over the noise of our daily lives. Elijah heard from Heaven in ''a still small voice'' (1 Kings 19:12). This is how the Man of Still will speak to us.


» Psalm 8:2 (emphasis mine)
2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest STILL the enemy and the avenger.
This is not the lone appearance of this verse within the Holy Writ of God's Word. None other than Jesus Himself made reference to it. Interestingly, whereas David asserts that God has ordained ''strength'' out of young mouths, the Man of Still employs a different noun when quoting it. ''...Yea; have ye never read, 'Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected PRAISE.' '' (Matthew 21:16, emphasis mine) He translates strength as praise; He equates praise with strength. (You will note He does the same thing with ordained and perfected.) Is there a correlation between praising God and strength? Might praise serve as a spiritual technique for gaining strength when we feel weak? I think this is an accurate conclusion from comparing the two Super Scriptures.
There is a divine design behind the practice of praise. God ordained and perfected it to ''still the enemy and the avenger.'' Praise is a key component of victory in spiritual warfare. It is a powerful weapon - ''mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds'' (2 Corinthians 10:4). The high praises of God in our mouth, declares a later psalm, will bind and defeat the enemy (149:6-9). As Christians, our enemies are not outfitted in flesh; they are, instead, spiritual in nature. Our adversary is the devil, along with his demon horde. And they need to be stilled, silenced, stopped. Praise is available to accomplish this mission.
In the Old Testament, Jehoshaphat and his army secured victory in battle via the militarily-unconventional strategy of praising God. The physical enemy was stilled and defeated ''when [Jehoshaphat and his men] began to sing and to praise'' (2 Chronicles 20:22). In the New Testament, Paul and Silas secured supernatural deliverance from imprisonment when they sang praise at midnight (Acts 16:25-26). These stories weren't inserted into the Bible to fill space. They offer a key lesson for us today. The Man of Still will respond to our praise.


» Psalm 46:10
10 Be still, and know that I am God...
Do you know that He is God? Do you know that He is in control? Do you know that the Almighty loves you, cares for you and is ever ready to show Himself strong on your behalf? It's one thing to believe these things; it's another to know them through experiential evidence. You will know that He is God in your life when you become still - when you cease worrying, stressing and striving with human effort. ''Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with you...'' (2 Chronicles 20:17) When you at last turn it all over to Him, you will receive the peace and victory which only the Man of Still can bestow.


» Mark 10:49
49 And Jesus stood still...
Once upon a time, there lived a man who arrested the Man of Still's attention. The soul who accomplishes this is a blind beggar - the Gospel of Mark dubs him ''blind Bartimaeus'' (10:46). Despite significant resistance, despite many attempts to stifle his pleas for Jesus' healing mercy, Bartimaeus perseveres. He keeps at it. He pushes through the resistance. In fact, the more he is told to shut up, the louder he becomes. At last, the Man of Still stops walking. He stands still. He grants the blind man's request, restoring the precious light of sight to a needy member of the human family.
What caused the Man of Still to stop in His holy tracks? Listen to His parting words to the sightless supplicant. ''...Go thy way; THY FAITH hath made thee whole...'' (verse 52, emphasis mine) Faith was the deciding factor. Faith manifested wholeness. Faith did what no earthly power could do. Faith got the Man of Still's attention, bringing the peaceful stillness of healing to the turbulent waters of an ''incurable'' affliction. God cannot be pleased without faith (Hebrews 11:6). By the same token, He is pleased with faith. He responds to faith. He looks for faith on the earth (see Luke 18:8). Faith is fueled by the Super Scriptures.
''...What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?'' (Mark 4:41) What manner of man? The Man of Still.


1.) Superman is the Man of Steel, but Jesus is the Man of Still. He brings peace, calmness and stillness to our personal storms.
2.) The Shepherd leads His sheep by still waters. The Man of Still is our Shepherd. He can do this for us.
3.) The Man of Still is Lord of the storm. There is never any reason to fear when He is in the boat with us.
4.) When we turn it over to the Man of Still, we can be confident that He will make a way where there is no way.
5.) Supernatural things can happen when we use our spiritual authority.
6.) The quiet, meditative communion with our heart is essential to receiving divine guidance.
7.) God ordained and perfected praise to "still the enemy and the avenger." Praise is a key component of victory in spiritual warfare. The Man of Still will respond to our praise.
8.) When you at last turn it all over to Him, you will receive the peace and victory which only the Man of Still can bestow.
9.) Faith gets divine attention.
10.) Faith is fueled by the Super Scriptures.

© Matt Decker

» This post is an excerpted chapter from my book  SUPER SCRIPTURES ON EARTH

Monday, June 25, 2018

Welcome To The Maze

maze (noun) 1.) A network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle through which one has to find a way. 2.) A complex network of paths or passages. 3.) A confusing mass of information. (verb) 4.) Be dazed and confused.
The maze concept serves as a fitting metaphor for the complex puzzle known as Life. Mazes are nonlinear, presenting many twists and turns. Mazes are puzzling and confusing - indeed, that is the point of their design. There are many dead ends to overcome. Mazes can foster frustration when the exit remains out of view. There is a way to solve the puzzle, but the solution is not immediately clear. It's not meant to be easy. Does any of this strike a chord? Life is but a maze.
It's also fitting that there is a linguistic link between the words maze and amazing, for the latter is popularly used to describe the grace of God. Even nonbelievers are familiar with the "sweet sound" of Amazing Grace, the centuries-old spiritual anthem:

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now am found;

Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,

And grace my fears relieved;

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares,

I have already come;

'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,

And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me,

His Word my hope secures;

He will my Shield and Portion be,

As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,

And mortal life shall cease,

I shall possess, within the veil,

A life of joy and peace.

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,

The sun forbear to shine;

But God, who called me here below,

Will be forever mine.

When we've been there ten thousand years,

Bright shining as the sun,

We've no less days to sing God's praise

Than when we'd first begun. 
The word grace appears 38 times in the Old Testament and 128 times in the New Testament. What exactly is this wonderful blessing known as the grace of God? Choirs sing of its amazing quality, but what makes it so amazing?
Spiritual rebirth is unquestionably the highest manifestation of Grace - when a sinner is brought from darkness to light, from the clutches of Satan into the loving arms of God. The precious gift of heavenly grace, however, comes wrapped in multiple layers.
The same grace which saves our souls is the same grace which brings every other blessing of God into our lives. Grace is favor. The grace of God is the favor of God. It is unearned favor. (Otherwise it wouldn't be a gift.) This amazing grace doesn't stop at the church altar. Rather, it meets us in the Maze of daily living and earthly struggle.

© Matt Decker

» This post is excerpted from the Introduction to my book  GRACE IN A MAZE: How to Make it Through

Two "Magic" Words

Do you ever grow weary of doing the same thing over and over, day in and day out? Do you sometimes feel that you are stuck in a rut? Do you ever sigh or roll your eyes and exclaim, "Here we go again! It's the same old story!"? Do you carry on an activity or perform a task so often that you don't even consider the possibility of doing it another way? Are you plagued by a stubborn problem or situation that keeps defeating you?
If you answered yes to any (or all) of the above questions, then you are a candidate for the "magic" of NooDoo
What is this mysterious-sounding concept to which I refer? First it is necessary to explain what NooDoo is not. Despite the fact that it sounds like the word voodoo, I assure you it has nothing to do with rituals, dolls, black magic  or any such thing. The concept is much simpler than any of that, but the simplicity doesn't take away from its power.
NooDoo is a synthesis of two very simple (and very important) words: new do. It's about breaking cycles. It's about getting off the hamster wheel, the treadmill, the merry-go-round and any other applicable metaphor that illustrates the human tendency to fall back into self-defeating patterns. It's about unleashing the power of doing something new - taking a new action - to produce a new (and better) outcome. You don't get new results by doing the same thing. That's not the way this thing called Life is set up. To put it another way...NOTHING CHANGES IF NOTHING CHANGES! There needs to be some sort of change in our approach to a problem or situation in order for that problem or situation to change for the better. When we change, it changes.
While most people will nod their heads in agreement and mentally assent with the above paragraph, it's another matter entirely when it comes to actually putting the concept to work in the daily arena of living. When one begins to observe the human tendency to repeatedly "write the same story" and "play the same song", one cannot help but be amazed. There are so many instances in the course of the average day, and so many missed opportunities, to apply the power of NooDoo that will undoubtedly surprise you when your eyes are opened to it. 
The concept of NooDoo is taught in the field of psychology, but it goes by another name. Psychologists refer to it as mental flexibility. Same idea, different name. Mental flexibility refers to a person's ability and willingness to break free from rigid patterns of thought and consider new approaches to a problem or challenge. It's about our ability to lay aside old ideas and think of new ideas. Some other names for this principle are thinking outside the box, unconventional thinking, divergent thinking, creative thinking and lateral thinking. Same concept, different names.

© Matt Decker

This post is excerpted from the Introduction to my eBook  The Magic of NOODOO

Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Masters of NOODOO

What would our world be like without the underlying principle that makes up NooDoo? Let's think about it for a bit.
Look around you. Every material object you see had to be invented. Yes? It had to be created at some point in time. Before it could be created and materialized into our physical reality, it had to first be conceived in a human mind as a new idea. Someone had to utilize the NooDoo mindset. Someone had to break the cycle of doing it in the same, old way. Someone had to think to themselves, "There's got to be a better way!".
This is the thought pattern that drives innovation, and innovation is the fuel that drives the engine of civilization. It has been this way since the dawn of mankind on the earth.

"Thought is the original source of all wealth, all success, all material gain, all great discoveries and inventions, and of all achievement. Without it...there would be no advance over life in the most primitive ages." ~ Claude Bristol ~
I think of the inventors and innovators from the halls of history down to the present day as the Masters of NooDoo. Where would we be as a world without these thinkers who aren't afraid to break old patterns of doing things - thinkers who understand the inestimable value of having a "new" mentality?
Let's apply this thought to our everyday lives. We can use the NooDoo mindset to "invent" new ways of doing ordinary things and new approaches to problems. After all, invention is a way of thinking. Innovation is a way of thinking and a way of life.

"We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery..." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
The practice of NooDoo is all about the production of new, alternative ideas.

NooDoo This » Practice saying to yourself, "There's got to be a better way than this!". Say it at least once every hour as you go about your day. I think you will find that your mind will begin to apply it to all sorts of problems and everyday situations you face.
We can tap into the same power that makes the world go 'round. That is a pretty awesome thought, if you ask me. Out with the old ideas; in with the new!

© Matt Decker

» This post is excerpted from my eBook  The Magic of NOODOO

Saturday, June 23, 2018


Can a book work miracles? Can certain combinations of words contain actual power - dynamic power - to make explosive changes in a human life? Can a collection of literary verses actually be alive? Indeed they can, and indeed we are blessed with such an extraordinary arrangement of alphabetic symbols right here on Earth. To be sure, the mind of man is not capable of producing this sort of supernatural work. It can only flow from the Throne of God Himself, recorded by the mortal hands of divinely inspired humans.
The Bible is a miracle book. It is a super book. Our modern culture is captivated by the idea of superheroes with superpowers. Perhaps obsessed would be the more appropriate word. We see it in comic books, cartoons, toys, video games, movies and television. There is a tremendously attractive appeal to the idea of transcendent powers in a universe of limitations.
Marvelous power awaits, not in the bright lights of Hollywood, but within the spiritual light of God's Word. The fantasized abilities of fictional characters cannot compare to the miracle-force of the Holy Scriptures. Do you need to open a new world of supernatural possibilities? Then open your Bible. Do you wish to turn the metaphorical page and move forward in your life toward better and brighter things? Then turn the literal pages of the Bible to discover God's plan for your progress. Do you desperately need to hear from Heaven concerning an ''impossible'' problem? Then grab your Bible and let God speak to you through the wisdom-packed pages of His Word. God forbid that we let the accumulated dust of an unused Bible keep us from the greatest power in the Universe!
Super problems require super solutions. Have you ever felt super depressed? Have you ever been super sick? How about super tired? Or super sick and super tired? (This lamentable condition is described in the popular phrase ''sick and tired of being sick and tired.'') Perhaps you have allowed yourself to become super angry. Behind the incessant commotion of social media lie some super lonely people. The list of super problems to be encountered on this side of eternity is quite large. This is the reason we need the super power of God's Word.

To be super is to be above and beyond. This basic definition calls to mind one Super Scripture in particular:

» Ephesians 3:20 (emphasis mine)
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly ABOVE all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us...
A superhero is a character who can go above and beyond normal heroics. Superman is endowed with fictional powers which are above and beyond the possibilities of any human man. A so-called superhuman has some unique gift or ability which rises above and reaches beyond the capabilities of other humans. We can see this concept even in the world of sports. The Super Bowl is the ultimate and highest level in professional football - above and beyond any other matchup in the season. Likewise, the power of God is super because it is above and beyond - ''exceeding abundantly above'' - even our ability to ask, think or imagine. And, if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, that transcendent power is working in you right now!
The Amplified Bible's rendering of the aforementioned scripture actually includes the word super.

» Ephesians 3:20 (AMP) (emphasis mine)
20 Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do SUPERabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us...
Superabundantly. Infinitely beyond. This is how God works. This is how His Word works. He does things in a super way - in a way that is above and beyond natural limits and human expectations.

» Psalm 23:5 (emphasis mine)
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; MY CUP RUNNETH OVER.
When Jesus miraculously fed the hungry crowd of five thousand followers, He went above and beyond the necessity. He didn't merely provide enough to feed everyone. Instead, He provided more than enough when He supernaturally multiplied the loaves and fishes. We know this from John 6:13, ''Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained OVER AND ABOVE unto them that had eaten.'' (emphasis mine) That was super supply to meet a super need!
Even if you have a super need, there is super supply that can be appropriated by applying Super Scriptures. This includes all needs, not only financial or material needs. ''And the people, when they knew it, followed him: and he received them, and spake unto them of the kingdom of God, and healed them that had NEED OF HEALING.'' (Luke 9:11, emphasis mine) It's interesting that the chapter and verse division of this particular scripture adds up to the familiar numbers 911. It's good to know that we can ''dial'' the Word of God to overcome any emergency - physical, fiscal or otherwise!

© Matt Decker

» This post is excerpted from my book  SUPER SCRIPTURES ON EARTH

Friday, June 22, 2018

All Tied Up In Knots?

"There is nothing impossible to him who will try."
The man who uttered the above words conquered the known world in less than two decades. He never lost a battle. If he were a football team, he would be the 1972 Miami Dolphins. I think it's safe to conclude that Alexander the Great knew a thing or two about achieving the "impossible."
The invisible words in the spotlighted quote are new things. There is nothing impossible to the person who will try new things, new approaches, new ideas. What would be the point in trying old things, old approaches, old ideas? If they worked, wouldn't you have what you want?
One of my favorite anecdotes, not only from Alexander's life but from history as a whole, is the tale of the Gordian knot. Legend has it that King Gordius of Phrygia tied a very complex knot. Afterward an oracle declared that the one who could manage to untie the knot would become the next ruler of Asia. It seemed like an impossible task to most people. But Alexander was not most people.
Rather than approaching the challenge in the usual way, Alexander tapped into the magical power of NooDoo. He came at it from a different angle. History tells us that he took out his sword and cut the knot instead of attempting to untie it. Problem solved.
It was one of those "why-didn't-I-think-of-that" moments for everyone else, I'm sure. They didn't think of it probably because they were stuck in old thought patterns (as we often are). To this day, the Gordian knot is used as a metaphor to describe a complex or very difficult problem.

NooDoo This » Meditate on the following affirmation: "There is something new that I can do."

© Matt Decker

» This post is excerpted from my eBook  THE MAGIC OF NOODOO

The Alien's Guide to Earth

Unillumined  the human Tuned in  to illusion  Unenlightened  always fighting Energies  of enemies    venom is in 'em. A talking  carcass...