Saturday, June 5, 2021

Blue Summer

Out of the night
Into the light

Out of the fright
Into the fight

Out of fear
Into gear

Out of the grief
Into relief
The relief of belief

Out of the sorrow
Into tomorrow

Out of the futile
Into the future
Where destiny
Waits for me

Out of the stress
(After the test)
Into the rest
Better and blessed

Out of regret
Into the sunset
Not done just yet

Out of the hole
To become whole

Out of the old
(Where it's cold)
Into the bold
(Where there's gold)

Out of the blue
Into the new

Out of the ties
Into the skies
Limits have died
The only way to fly

Now I know this:
It's not hopeless.

© Matt Decker

A Message From The President

 My fellow Americans, the hour is dark. Hence I stand before you  with a heavy heart. Something is coming. Something man has never seen. An ...