Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Pop, Please!

My Pop hates pop
But likes pop.
Pop! The pop popped
With a pop.

The cop drank pop
While listening to pop
With his Pop.
My Pop knew a cop
Named Pop
Who liked to drink pop
And listen to pop.
Then one day he stopped
Because the pop
Almost caused him to pop.

The pop will make you bop.
The pop will make your ears pop
And your head bop
Until your Pop makes it stop.
Do you bop to pop?

The pop popped,
Then it flopped
And finally it stopped.
You will flop
Without the pop.

Have you ever had
A glop of pop?
And if you had
A glop of pop,
Would you want
It to stop?

Pop makes me hop
Until I stop.
Would you hop for pop?
When would you stop?
Have you ever hopped
At a pop-hop
Until you hopped
Right out of your socks?
And when you stopped,
Did you drink some pop?

If you spill the pop,
You will need to mop.
How can you mop
While drinking pop?
You can hop to pop
Until it's time to stop.
But if you hop to pop
While drinking pop,
You will need to stop
Or you'll need to mop.

Is it time to shop for pop?
Would you hop and stop
At the pop-shop
To shop for pop?
Pop stopped at the pop-shop
To shop for pop.

Pop popped the top
Of the bottle of pop.

If the pop drops
With a pop,
You will need to sop
The pop with a mop.

Who stops at a hilltop coffee shop
With his laptop
And orders pop?

"That pop really makes the pop pop!,"
Said Pop.

"Why do you sop on the countertop?,"
Asked Pop.
"I sop because I dropped
Pop on the countertop,"
Said I to Pop.
"If you don't hop
To the sop of the pop
On the countertop,"
Replied Pop,
"You will soon need a mop."

Poppy popped by
And brought Poppie and I
A lot of pop
Which we drank
While jammin' to pop
Until  we almost popped.

© Matt Decker

Monday, August 6, 2018

Kitty From The City

My pretty mommy Kitty
Went to the gritty city
And bought me a cutey kitty.

After all, it's a pity
If you go to the city
And come back with no kitty.

This kitty from the city
Is an itty-bitty kitty.
Thanks to my mommy Kitty,
Now I have an itty-bitty kitty.

My itty-bitty kitty is pretty
But is she at all witty?
Yes! My kitty is witty.
I have a pretty kitty
That is itty-bitty and witty.
How witty is your kitty?

Have you ever seen a kitty
Spray graffiti in the city?
"I saw in the city,"
Said my pretty mommy Kitty,
"Nifty graffiti by a cool committee
Of fifty graffiti kitties."

My kitty is itty-bitty
And my kitty is pretty
But my kitty is busy.
I have a busy kitty.

"Where is my kitty?,"
I ask my mommy Kitty.
"I think kitty's in the kitchen,"
Says my pretty mommy Kitty.
Have you ever seen a kitty
Busy cooking in the kitchen?
My cutey kitty from the city
Was feeling really chilly
So she made some hot chili.

Then my cutey kitty cat
Ate my pack of Kit Kats.
"You are a cutey kitty cat
But you shouldn't eat Kit Kats!,"
Say I to my itty-bitty pretty kitty cat.

My kitty likes kites.
My kitty cat likes kitty kites.
My kitty flew a kite.
I like kitty cats and flighty kites.

My kitty sings a ditty.
My kitty plays a ditty.
My kitty dances a jiggy
To a nifty ditty.
Have you ever heard a kitty
Sing a nifty ditty?
And have you ever danced a jiggy
While a cutey kitty
Sang a nifty ditty?

So goes this ditty
About my cutey kitty
Who came from the city,
Thanks to my mommy Kitty.

© Matt Decker

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Prayer on The Edge


Heavenly Father, I focus my thoughts on You.
In the palm of Your hand, how can I lose?

Your grace is sufficient for every need.
All things are possible if I will only believe.

Divine power through me is flowing.
Therefore darkness away from me is going.

O God, You are Love and You are Light.
So I know everything shall be all right.
Armed with Your Word, I will win this fight.
I am strong in the power of Your might.

From the top of my head to the bottom of my feet,
You infuse me with strength when I'm feeling weak.

You are my Help, You are my Rock.
You answer when I call,
You open when I knock.

To Your Throne of Grace I boldly turn.
There I find blessings I could never earn.

You are so good to me! Glory to Your name.
One touch from Your hand,
One spoken command,
And nothing stays the same.

Tho' surrounded by trouble, I am revived.
It's not Your will that I merely survive.
By the same Spirit Who made Jesus alive,
Yes, by Him I am empowered to thrive!

When my spirit is thirsty, You fill my cup.
When I'm trending down, You lift me up.

I am encouraged, my hope is renewed.
My heart is stirred at the thought of You.

What's next, Lord? What is in store?
What step? What opportunity? What open door?
Whatever Your answer, one thing I know,
You give grace to grow and faith to flow.
No matter how challenging or tight the bind,
I know the battle is Yours and victory is mine!

On Thee, Holy Father, do I fix my gaze.
At Your divine grace I am truly amazed.
Your goodness and mercy follow me all my days.
Aglow with Thy Spirit, my soul is ablaze.

You put light in my eyes, pep in my step,
A song in my heart and a smile on my lips.

What can get me down when You have my back?
Considering Thy blessing, how can I ever lack?

You offer so much - by faith I receive it.
You sent Your Word - Lord, I believe it.

Like a luminous array of flaming torches,
I am constantly guarded by Your angelic forces.



Upon You, Lord, all my cares I cast,
Knowing the raging tempest will pass.
Peace was mine before even I asked.
Your love is deep, Your mercy is vast.
When the sky is overcast,
When my thoughts are downcast,
And when I'm feeling harassed,
You will hold me fast -
For Your Word is steadfast,
And Your power is unsurpassed.

In Your hands I place my burden,
Knowing You heal the hurting.
Every promise You made is certain.
I can feel faith within me stirring.

I lay down my heavy load.
You lead me into peace mode.
When faith I upload,
Then victory I download,
I know the Word -
So I have the code.

Thank You, Lord, for calming my nerves.
When Life throws me a curve,
And I am tempted to swerve,
You give grace I could never deserve.
When Your words I observe,
I tap into my spiritual reserves.
Stress is not my master -
Only You do I serve.



Favor has found me,
Angels are around me,
Your Light does surround me.

I am guarded, I am safe.
I am sheltered in the Secret Place.

Tho' my flesh dwells here below,
Still I abide under Your divine shadow.

I lean on Thee each and every hour,
Trusting in Thy supernatural power.

You make Your angels a flaming fire.
They lift me up, they carry me higher
Above and beyond my temporal distress,
Bringing Heaven's peace to all my stress,
Scattering fear, worry and all the rest.
Yes I believe! Yes I am blessed!

Through the fog of fallen Earth,
Amidst this world's spiritual dearth,
Christ has redeemed me from every curse.
In Him there's new hope, new birth.

At His feet the angels bow down,
Wings pointing to His glorious crown.

My fear is gone,
My faith is sparked.
The living Word
Lives big in my heart.

Out with doubt -
Lord, I believe
That angels unseen
Are ministering to me.



This is the day You have made -
I'm excited to get it under way.

Each new day is a gift and a blessing -
Filled with so many positive lessons.

I receive this day with a heart of gratitude -
Asking You to heal my mood and attitude.

I don't know what the day will bring -
But my faith will carry me over everything.

The day ahead is sparkling with promise and possibility -
Your perfect peace will give me calmness and tranquillity.

I ask for good news and positive developments -
Happy events that are Heaven-sent.

Give me the strength to leave yesterday behind -
Claiming today what is spiritually mine.

Grant me the vision to see the bright side -
That I may take the day in carefree stride.

Open my eyes, Lord, to every opportunity -
Boost my immunity and practical ingenuity.

I am Your vessel, I am Your servant -
Trusting You for insight and discernment.

Anoint me with the fresh oil of Thy Spirit -
Whatever the hurdle, empower me to clear it.

Strengthen me to go the extra mile today -
Come what may, help me to smile anyway.

I am a sower, You give me the seed -
So You will provide for my every need.

I believe wonderful things today will happen -
I trust You to supply all that I'm lacking.

The angels are singing for the Son is shining -
So the clouds today will have a silver lining.

It's a new day, Your mercies are renewed -
For this blessing I praise and I thank You.



Heavenly Father,
I approach Your throne --
Knowing full well
The treasures You own.

You are not bound by this world's economy;
Heaven's provision is available constantly.

It's determined by Kingdom policy,
It's governed by Kingdom sovereignty.

Unlimited is Your methodology
Of getting the money to me.

You multiplied the fish and loaves -
Thy supply satisfied the droves.
Will You not for me do the same?
I claim the best in Your blest name.

Even as manna rained down from above,
Your hand of Providence will show up,
And it will be more than enough,
So overflowing shall be my cup.

"The blessing of the LORD maketh rich" --
And You will add no trouble to it.

Forgive me for yielding to mediocrity,
Loose me from the limits of religiosity,
That I may experience Your generosity.

Even as living is linked to believing,
So my giving dictates my receiving.

As reliable as the Law of Gravity,
Reaping follows the sowing of seed.

There is tremendous force
In looking to You first
As my supply and source.

I turn to Your Word above all else --
It gives me power to get wealth.

I will soon have more than I do now --
It's not for me to figure out how.

At the perfect moment in time,
You'll drop an idea into my mind.

Then the conceptions I birth and bring forth
Will ultimately amount to my net worth.

You have the ideal idea for me --
Maybe a commodity or a complete novelty.

You are the Creator
And You've made me one too;
Inspire me with the fire
To create something new.

The possibilities reach near to infinity --
You are with me and within me,
That means I have a winning team.

So I take my spiritual authority
And claim my biblical prosperity.



I pray for you to have a great day.
May you find miracles along the way.

I pray that you will be abundantly blessed,
And that you walk always in God's best.

I pray for your prosperity and peace,
And that your raging storm will cease.

I pray that you receive peace and serenity,
As you walk daily in the light of eternity.

I pray for your recovery and healing -
No matter how you're presently feeling.

I pray for your strength in adversity,
And that you achieve success and victory.

I pray for you to rise above the pressure.
May the Son shine on you - whatever the weather.

I pray that you won't be ruffled or rattled
As you face the heat of your battle.

I pray that you will transcend and overcome,
And that you always win a positive outcome.

I pray that you rise to your potential,
And that your progress be exponential.

I pray that your life gets better and better.
May you be freed from every shackle and fetter.

I pray that you'll taste of Heaven's glory
As you live out your earthly story.



I need You here in this atmosphere --
There is no fear when You are near.

Permeate this place with the fragrance --
The anointed aroma of Your presence.

Remove the fumes of gloom and doom --
Release healing perfume in this room.

May the power Divine that conquers all
Flow all around in here from wall to wall.

O Lion of the Judah tribe,
Shake this place with miracle vibes.

Scatter the attackers of my faith --
Illuminate this space with hope and grace.

I send out thoughts of love and support
From here then reaching across the Earth.

By the spiritual vibrations
In this location
I ask for transformation
Of all situations.



As upon this pillow I lay my head,
I ask You to place angels by my bed;
I call to mind the words You said
And all that Jesus did in my stead --
So every fear and care now I shed.

The day You gave was truly a blessing --
You taught me so many positive lessons;
At each turn there was Your presence
And now with peace I am resting,
Thank You for this wonderful refreshing.

Off to sleep I am beginning to drift,
Into the restful deep I start to shift,
Through memories my subconscious will sift,
Upon waves of dreams I'll be set adrift --
What a blessing, what a lift, what a gift.

Help me, Lord, to clear my mind
Of the day's thoughts, whatever the kind --
Free me from the ties that bind;
In You peace and release I find,
For the battle is Yours
And the victory is mine.


© Matt Decker

The Alien's Guide to Earth

Unillumined  the human Tuned in  to illusion  Unenlightened  always fighting Energies  of enemies    venom is in 'em. A talking  carcass...