Monday, August 9, 2021

Exercise in Futurity

To the human who's stuck -
Muck. Mire. Rut.

To the heart ripped apart -
Stark. Hurt. Dark.

To the mind in a bind -
Behind. Confined. Blind.

To the prisoner of circumstance -
Song and dance of happenstance.

To the given moment -
Dormant. Torment. Lonesome.

To the unpleasant present -
Desert. Restless. Incessant.

To this Space and Timing -
Existing. Twisting. Winding.

These lines align for you
To fathom a farther view.

Exercise in Futurity 
To exorcise futility.

(and beyond)
A suture,
A balm.

To a better unfettered date
On the Great Calendar of Fate.

To the time yet to be -
Next chapter.
New history. 

©️ Matt Decker 

The Alien's Guide to Earth

Unillumined  the human Tuned in  to illusion  Unenlightened  always fighting Energies  of enemies    venom is in 'em. A talking  carcass...