Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Petals For The Mettle

The common daisy is an uncommon symbol for the renewed hope and promise of each given day...

Fears face me.
Demons chase me.
Haters hate me.
Gamers play me.
"Friends" shade me.
Shots graze me.
Tomorrow is hazy.
It's so crazy.
I see lately 
It may be 
There can be
Daisies in Hades.
Some days
You faze me.
You amaze me.
You gave me.
Rays raise me
Till the day, see,
Pushing up daisies.

©️ matt decker 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Which Magic?

So there's this question 
to be hurdled 
on the restless quest 
for a portal.

Left or right
Right or wrong --
Which road leads home?
Which side are you on?

That or this?
Which is which?
Which switch 
fixes the glitch?

A heavy burden
Pleasant excursion
Better or worsened --
Which version?

Hell avoided
Heaven voided?

Hell hath no wrath
like the scorn 
and thorn
of a wrong path.

To think --
A word.
One syllable.
A symbol.
So simple!

This reality is optional.
This mentality is optimal.

You're honored 
smarter select.

Be not dumb.
Thy will is done.

Tragic calls for drastic.
Drastic needs a tactic.
Which tactic
turns tragic 
into magic?

©️ matt decker 

Friday, April 22, 2022

Wild Words

English can be a wild adventure...

I think we need to address 
the elephant in the room
and while we're at it
that 800-pound gorilla, too.

Welcome to the one-trick 
dog-and-pony show
where sitting ducks are daffy 
and angry birds eat crow.

Hello kitty,
it's dog-eat-dog out there.
Eager beavers 
get the lion's share.

The way-too-early bird
opened a can of worms.
But @ little birdie tweeted:
The worm has turned.

Rats race in a wild goose chase.
Bird's-eye view:
monkey see,
monkey do.

The herd makes a beeline
toward the hive mind.
Legions cast their pearls 
before pig-headed swine.

Survive the vulture culture 
and the world is your oyster.

A bull market is a cash cow.
Fat cats milk it for all they're allowed.

Chicken or Egg
Cart and Horse
Ducks in a row --
Which goes first?

Chuck chickened out 
and clammed up.
Billy pigged out
and went belly up.

There's a bee in Bonnie's bonnet.
Ooh...she's mad as a hornet.

Hold your horses!
Don't have a cow.
Patience is a virtue 
and the cat's meow.

The eye of the tiger 
watches like a hawk.
Plenty of fish
swim with sharks.

A silver fox is guarding the hens.
Watchdogs cry wolf in the lion's den.

The GOAT is a sacred cow.
The top dog plays cat and mouse.

Maybe it's cheesy
but Mickey smells a rat.
It could be a weasel 
or a snake in the grass.

Hear the lines roar
and silly bulls speak.
That's just the nature 
of the beast.

©️ matt decker 

Monday, April 11, 2022

Prism Sentences

Black sheep tell white lies
and serve red herring.
Hotheads see red and turn blue
before swearing.
Purple squirrels 
don't get pink slips.
The golden goose 
won't lay goldbricks.
The green-eyed monster 
wears rose-colored shades.
Little green men
turned out to be grey.
Scarlett walked the red carpet 
and in a green room relaxed.
Then after that
faded to black.
A redhead named Sienna 
borrowed something blue.
Now she's tickled pink
with Rusty her trusty boo.
Ruby read a black-market
little black book
whited out by a blacklisted 
yellow-bellied crook.
Rose got caught red-handed
with a green thumb
growing garden-variety goldenrods 
outside her brownstone.
Purple rain fell from gray skies
out of the blue
onto a colorful character
named Hue.
In a purple haze
Misty strains to see.
To be clear
Crystal needs transparency.
A world of words
under the microscope --
Symbolism. Prism.

©️ matt decker

The Alien's Guide to Earth

Unillumined  the human Tuned in  to illusion  Unenlightened  always fighting Energies  of enemies    venom is in 'em. A talking  carcass...