Saturday, May 19, 2018


Well hello there,
My name is Al.
It's short for -- oh who cares?
Let me just get this out.

They say we all have an inner voice,
And if we tune out external noise,
The little voice can help us,
It can help us with our choice.

What do you think
When you read the word "GOAL"?
Well it's direction to my mind
And music to my soul.

Check it out -
It's sort of like a riddle;
My goals came about
When the word split in the middle.

Shall I approach that gal
And dare to ask her out?
What if she shouts,
"Get lost, pal!"?
That can't be good for my morale.
Then within I hear -

I think I need a new locale.
Maybe SoHo, maybe SoCal.
I hear great things 'bout the South.
Who am I kidding?
Here's where I'll keep hangin' out.
Then within I hear -

Maybe I should take more control
Of my body and soul through self-control.
I guess I could slip into my insoles
And go for one of those power strolls
Down a road dotted with potholes.
But I'm all set for the Super Bowl.
See, here's my trusty remote control.
I have my soup bowl and egg rolls,
Cooking in the oven is a casserole.
It's really not a good time for impulse control.
Then within I hear -

I know I should get off the dole.
It is a special kind of hole.
I need to get on a payroll.
At least in college I could enroll
To better myself - or am I too old?
Perhaps there's an idea I could get bankrolled.
Then within I hear -

Of my life I must get control.
At best, it's on cruise control.
At worst? Out of control.
Mistakes have taken a toll.
Haters are in my ear hole.
If only I could get on a roll,
I know I could climb the totem pole.
This I want with my heart and soul.
Then within I hear -

Simply inserting space between
Turns "GOAL" into "GO AL" -
Isn't that neat? See what I mean?
How's that for rationale?

© Matt Decker

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