Friday, May 25, 2018

Your Magic Mirror

In the classic fairy tale Snow White, the Evil Queen possesses a magic mirror - capable of answering her questions. Similarly, if you are struggling with your weight, it can seem that you possess a "talking" mirror of your own. Every time you step in front of it, that looking glass cruelly reminds you of your weight reality. It mocks you and spews discouragement at you.
The first Slim Gem pointed out the value of standing in front of a mirror to improve your posture. There is another type of mirror that you need to know about. This mirror is not made of glass and cannot be purchased at any home improvement store. But it is the nearest thing to a "magic mirror" in the real world. I am referring to your mental mirror - the mirror of your imagination.
You can experience the magic of this mirror via your imagination. Specifically, the idea is to create a mental image of the person you wish to become. In terms of weight loss, visualize the way you want to look. Visualize what you will look like after you have reached your goal weight. Project your thoughts to a point in time when your health and fitness goals have become a reality. Now imagine looking in a literal mirror. What image is staring back at you?
Psychology refers to this inner picture of ourselves as our self-image.
The year was 1960 and a book was published which would become a self-help classic, inspiring the teachings of future motivational giants such as Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins. The book was titled Psycho-Cybernetics, authored by Maxwell Maltz. The core message of the book was that our self-image, be it positive or negative, works on a subconscious level to determine our success or failure. We cannot achieve success, Maltz wrote, as long as we hold a negative self-image. This concept applies to any and all areas of our lives, including of course our attempts at weight loss.
Maltz was a plastic surgeon before penning the wisdom of Psycho-Cybernetics. He wrote that his work as a plastic surgeon gave him an opportunity to witness the incredible power of the self-image to create either positive or negative results. Maltz noted the dramatic change in a patient's personality after undergoing a cosmetic procedure.
Conversely, he observed the phenomenon of a patient thinking nothing had changed with their appearance, despite a significant cosmetic difference having been performed. Maltz concluded that a person's mental picture of themselves functioned as a subconscious success (or failure) "mechanism."

"Our self image, strongly held, essentially determines what we become." ~ Maxwell Maltz ~
Good luck trying to become a slim person while "seeing" yourself as an overweight person. Good luck in reaching your goal weight while focusing on your present weight and identifying with that reality. Good luck because you will need luck. The point? In order to become the person you desire to be (which includes your desired level of health and fitness), it is necessary and essential for you to align your self-image (the mental picture you hold of yourself) with your desires.

You can't transform into a butterfly as long as you see yourself as a caterpillar.

"The Transformation Chamber" 
Imagine that you have access to a magical transformation chamber or booth. Imagine stepping into your transformation chamber. Now imagine stepping out - transformed into the highest version of yourself.
What do you look like? How is your body different from your present body? Far more importantly, how do you feel? How is your attitude and personality different? This is a simple visualization technique which is designed to help you form a clear mental image of a leaner, fitter, healthier, better you. I know from experience that it works.

© Matt Decker

» This post is excerpted from my booklet  Slim Gems: 10 Priceless Weight Loss Techniques

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