Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Face of the Earth

Here's a question of worth:
What might be expressed
On the face of the Earth?

What if the waves of the ocean
Fluctuated with emotion --
Isn't this a solid notion?

Would your city or town cause a frown?
Would a beaming smile stretch for miles?
Or a look of distress from all the unrest?
Considering the stress from East to West,
Can we expect her to be expressionless?

Would her eyes show a twinkle
Or would her brows be wrinkled?

Might the toil of human work
Provoke a bemused smirk?

Would she laugh at our many gaffes
Or giggle at the fickle social drivel?

How would she react to the anger and dangers
Or the niceness and kindness of total strangers?

Can we imagine reserved silence
In the face of daily violence?

Would lips of land quiver,
Tears flow into rivers
At the hate in this place
If our world had a face?

A face can speak volumes
Without saying a word --
Might this also hold true
For the face of this place Earth?

© Matt Decker

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