Friday, October 26, 2018

Fruity Loops

loop: a continuously repeated segment

Have you "looped" lately? Of course you have. There is a tremendous temptation to fall into looping patterns, also known as old ideas. The following is an excerpt from my eBook The Magic of NOODOO:

A hamster wheel keeps the hamster busy and is a great form of exercise, but the hamster is still in his cage when the wheel stops spinning. A great metaphor describing why we need the power of NOODOO in our lives.
Too many times we are essentially human hamsters! We wish to break out of our self-imposed limitations. But we can never seem to reach the other side of our limits. Why? Because we are caught in a self-defeating cycle, doing the same thing over and over.
A treadmill is a great invention for helping you get some cardio, improve your health and burn some of those evil calories. But you could walk all day on a treadmill and still not move an inch ahead. The reason? Because you are literally walking on a loop.
"Okay, Captain Obvious, what's the point?," you reply. Simply this: the same principle applies to the metaphorical treadmill we call our daily lives. If we want to make any real headway in a particular area of our lives, we must step off our looping patterns and take a new approach.

© Matt Decker

Expanded online distribution slated for November. Or should I call it NOOvember?

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