Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Alternative Dimension

We have the power to create our own little alternate world by tapping into the magic of NOODOO. How? There are alternatives for all sorts of the things that make up our daily lives. There are new choices, new decisions and new ideas which, once implemented, can transform our personal world into a new reality.
The principle of NOODOO affords us the opportunity to essentially open up a "portal" of sorts to a new reality. 
💡 NOODOO This » Ask yourself the following question: "What would be out of character for me?" A variation of this question would be: "What would be unlike me?"
There is an additional layer to this idea. There exists a fascinating theory within the field of quantum physics known as the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI). This thought-provoking theory was initially put forth by quantum physicist Hugh Everett way back in the 1950's. 
According to MWI, our world - indeed our universe - is only one of many worlds and many universes within a larger "multiverse." In fact, the word 'many' doesn't do the idea justice. Only the word 'infinite' will do.
The reality we know, says MWI, is constantly splitting or branching off into an infinite variety of alternate realities where everything is not only possible, but actually takes place. A consequence of this construct is that there are infinite versions of YOU somewhere out there in the multiverse.
The point I wish to highlight here is that we can enjoy the newness of an alternate world in the here-and-now by practicing the magic of NOODOO. We don't need to open a literal, material portal to one of these parallel universes in order to wake up in a fresh, new reality. Portals are everywhere! All we have to do is look for opportunities to take new actions and implement new ideas.

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