Monday, December 10, 2018

Roll Out The Transformers!

The time is now to bring the real transformers online in your life. The mission - should you choose to accept it - is to activate and release the greatest transformative force on earth. You might be surprised at how simple and straightforward is the mechanism for doing so. The first step is to open your Bible. 

» Romans 12:2 (emphasis mine) 
2 And be not conformed to this world: but BE YE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 
The Super Scriptures are the real transformers. Once applied, they connect us to the transforming power of the living God. First and foremost, they introduce us to the game-changing grace of The Ultimate Transformer. They give us access to His miracle ministry. They teach us He is ''the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever'' (Hebrews 13:8). They give us the hope of Heaven in the sweet by-and-by, and the hope of victory in the bitter present. 
Furthermore, the Super Scriptures will transform any area of life subjected to their divine dynamism. They can obliterate mountains and crumble walls. They can uproot hopelessness and plant hope in its place. They can give wisdom for the issues of daily life. They can transform ashes into beauty, mourning into joy and depression into praise (see Isaiah 61:3). They can turn darkness into light, cursing into blessing and death into life. They can extract possibility from impossibility. No problem remains the same under the transforming force of the Super Scriptures! 
Transformation is the inevitable product of ''the renewing of your mind.'' A transformed mind leads to a transformed life. A renewal of thinking manifests itself in a renewal of living. The mind is renewed - transformed - by consistent exposure to the Word of God. This inner transformation then actualizes as outer transformation, in the action-packed saga of earthly existence. 

Think of each and every Super Scripture as a transformer. The metallic noise of robotic transformation pales in comparison to the super sound of turning Bible pages!

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