Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Pursuit of Happiness (That's Doomed to Fail)

Everyone wants to be happy. Sure, there are those who say they don't care about their own happiness, that they only want others to be happy. While that is certainly a noble attitude, it can be argued that such persons derive happiness from helping others (whether or not that thought ever enters their conscious awareness). The pursuit of happiness is a natural, healthy part of life. After all, our great country was founded on "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

There is a problem, however, and here it is. Many people seem to equate happiness with a particular person or happy events. It's wonderful to enjoy healthy, loving relationships that paint smiles on our faces. It's wonderful when our lives are going good. But what happens to our happiness when that relationship falls apart? What happens to that smile when the sun doesn't shine so brightly and dark clouds begin to move across the landscape of our lives?

Life is similar to riding a roller coaster. 
The highs are thrilling, but what goes up must...
well, you know the rest.

Is it possible to be happy even when our whole world seems to crumble around our feet? Consider this pearl of wisdom from the ancient past:

"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."
» Marcus Aurelius

The happiness of your life does not depend upon other people. (Thank God!) It doesn't depend upon the circumstances and external events going on in your life. Regardless of what may be happening around you at any given moment, it's what is taking place WITHIN you - in your thoughts - that ultimately determines whether or not you will experience true happiness.

If we focus on the things that we cannot control (of which there are many), then our chances for happiness and peace are slim indeed. But if we focus on the one factor that we can ALWAYS control (i.e. choosing more positive thoughts), then we can live on a higher plane of earthly existence. 


Here's a happy hopper you should meet
Who happily hops on happy feet.
This happy hopper is named Hoppy
And Hoppy is happy as can be.

Happily hopping through his habitat,
Hoppy interacts with a jumper named Jack.

Now this jumpin' Jack is a jackrabbit 
And this rabbit Jack doesn't have it,
Jack lacks Hoppy's happy habit.

"Here now, Hoppy,
How so happy?,"
Jibber jabbered Jack,
Jaws jangling like that.

"I don't see even one carrot.
So that goofy grin,
Why do you wear it?"

Hoppy's honey Bonnie Bunny
And her BFF Heather Feathers
(Bird Friend Forever)
They didn't get it either.

"What makes you so happy, Hoppy?
We look around, we see
The same leaves, trees and buzzy bees.
You live in the same world as we.
So where, Hoppy, is our happy?"

The serene scene suddenly spins solemn
So Hoppy happily hands his knowledge:

"Over there! Right here!
Happy is truly here!
When you really look,
Happiness appears."

The curious creature characters confer in confusion
As Hoppy hopes to hammer home his happiness conclusion.

"Happiness is a habit,"
Says happy Hoppy the rabbit.
"You can have it like I have it
If you go after it and grab it
(Like going after a carrot)
And tap it through the havoc."

The jackrabbit Jack at that
Jibber jabbers back in fact,
"Gibberish and gobbledygook!
Hooey and hullabaloo!
If you want me to buy your book,
You got some 'splaining to do!"

Tickled at the thinking of the three,
Hoppy happily hands them the key:

"Happiness isn't a thing,
Happy is a think!
Yes, it is a mindset
(The ultimate carrot)
Do you get it yet?
Happy is what you choose.
What do you have to lose?
You will not lose
If happy you choose."

Happy events were sent then went
But Hoppy's still happy since
He knows they will show again
To his happy heart's content.

Hoppy is happy
Happy as can be
For, you see, he
Has made up his m-i-n-d
To be.

© Matt Decker

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