Saturday, February 16, 2019

Need Eden?

Did You Know?

The words "need" and "Eden" are anagrams of one another.

You can turn need into Eden by simply switching the letters around a little bit.

Isn't that neat?

Actually, it's better than neat. It reveals an important spiritual principle.

Eden represents the blessing of being in the perfect will of God. In the Bible, the Garden of Eden was paradise -- essentially Heaven on earth. Adam and Eve had every need met before they sinned. That's the place where God put them, the place where He wanted them to be. 

Likewise, there is a place in this life where God wants us to be, where we are in the perfect will of God. It's in this place where blessings flow and our needs are met. 

Does this mean we won't have any more problems and that all will be smooth sailing? Of course not. But we put ourselves in the best spiritual position when we are in our proper place within God's will and plan for our lives.

(For a more in-depth study into this subject, read Chapter 3 of my book GRACE IN A MAZE)

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