Thursday, June 20, 2019

Some Summer Salt

Come on in, 
The water's just fine!
Tell me friend --
Ever hear that line?
Truth be told
It's not always so --
Sometimes that blue gold
Can be some kinda cold.


You know it shows
No bold try
When those clothes
Are nice and dry.

Please do excuse me, Miss --
I wish to dish you this:
None become soaked 
On the boat --
That's a fact
And all she wrote.

Have you heard the word, Sir?
The poolside is reserved
For guys who haven't tried
Or conjured nerve and verve.

Dave can rave and make waves
Or sedately behave
And if Joyce makes the choice
She'll noisily rejoice.

Chet will fret with regret
For he has yet to get:
"Him" can't swim beyond the brim
Unless willing to get wet.

Shallow end just a shadowing --
Toe-dipper or deeper-leaper?
One's a blooper
One's a keeper --
Begin, my friend, to dive right in.

© Matt Decker

Thursday, June 13, 2019


🌟 Stars are not like us. They live in a different reality. This poem records one earthling's serenade to these bona fide glitterati. 🌟

A world so diff'rent
A land so distant
A kingdom divided 
Yet somehow united.

No flash of renown
Terrestrial town
Found to catch
Or match
The lore or yore
Of your
Celestial crown.

Fans of fame
Fan the flame
Stand in stands
Cheer the game
And chase they
Who claim acclaim.
But in view of you
It's just not the same.

Like golden glitter 
And glamor
I behold then wither
And stammer.
Effervescent luminescence
Transcends men's ken
And grammar
And all for which
They clamor.

In the end
After the wind
Lie the jewels
Of men
Who ruled.
Celebs do ebb
Scenes on screens
Fade to black
Just like that.
None can compare
To the rarefied air
Of your stellar lair
Way up there
Or the luster
Of your cluster.
I can only muster
This amazed gaze
And stare.

© Matt Decker

Understanding the Overwhelming

Space is Time. Matter is Mind. Things are thoughts. Truth is false. Destruction is creation. Existence is vibration. Death is illusion. Life...