Sunday, November 28, 2021


breathe \'brēth\ v : brief and deep : it brings relief

concentrate \'kän-sən-trāt\ v : juice to use with your contemplate 

intuit \in-'tü-ət, -'tyü-\ v : before the choice, a voice : tune in to it

start \'stärt\ v 1: to what end? 2: it has to begin

risk \'risk\ v 1: games are played for goals 2: dice are made to roll

fight \'fīt\ v : the fetal position is a futile condition 

expect \ik-'spekt\ v 1: reception begins at conception 2: faith has a due date

learn \'lərn\ v : school's always in session : fools miss the lessons 

give \'giv\ v : only hands outstretched can complete the catch

heal \'hēl\ v : be the change to someone's pain

unite \yů-'nīt\ v : division is not the vision 

©️ Matt Decker 

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