Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Time Traveler's Lesson

Oh the scenes I've seen...

Through it all I saw
Power sought,
Towers wrought.
Wars were fought.
Spoils caught.
I walked golden halls 
Built by royal laws.
Still behind it all --
A crowned clown,
A human flawed.
And so a kingdom falls.

Bright lights
Dimmed into night.
What now appalls 
Once enthralled.

The dust always settled.
I looked down...
On the ground...
Crushed petals.
Behold the old rusted metal
And medals.
But it never beat
After the wins,
A chapter ends.
Days and facts
Faded to black.

It was there
I fell to despair.
But in my somber pall,
My spirit called 
And reminded me to mind the
Timeless truth 
Inside of me.

Hearts beat.
Dark retreats.
Thistles shrivel
And, for a time,
The plot repeats.

Moments! These moments!
They are fragile components
And sometimes opponents.

The superficial 
And artificial --
Not an affordable 
Even for one granted 

The forest,
After all,
Lies beyond these

©️ Matt Decker 

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