Monday, December 27, 2021

Let's Get Metaphysical

If you will be so kind

To lend me your time

I'll lead you on a climb

Of the metaphysical kind;

Just one cautionary rhyme --

Don't stand too close behind

Your presently cherished paradigm.

From various cosmic residences

Arrive messages of ethereal elegance

Offering majestic evidence

Of Infinite Intelligence.

You are about to meet personalities

Who all vibrate in different realities;

Yet each one figuratively swims in the

Same invisible sea of quantum energy.

Extraterrestrial races

Unearthly faces

Outlandish places --

Traces still of THE FIELD...

* * *

"I am Xteerah,

Birthed in The Crystal Caves

Of Angkthera.

I am a warrior,

Reducing all my enemies to nil

For I've mastered

The secrets of The Field."

* * *

"I am Gyxu.

My planet is bathed

In a purplish hue;

It is a plane

Of constant change.

We make all things new --

It helps us tap into

The power of The Field."

* * *

"I am Kazallazxa,

Governing Commander

Of the world Xa --

A place that's utterly aqua;

Water is our reality.

No land at all but still,

Still we deal

With the effects of The Field."

* * *

"I am Qo.

My home is known as Cebes.

I'm a member of a species

Who glow;

Each luminous pulse

Is a synched result

Of the energy in The Field."

* * *

"I am Lyrryos.

Our star is Sirius.

If you landed on our planet,

You wouldn't see us --

No sign of life around

For we dwell underground.

Call us subterranean aliens,

Yet no matter how deep we build,

It weakens not The Field."

* * *

"I am Majnus Cymterii.

I'm a luminary

In the constellation of Cygnus.

It is my mission

To teach the worlds

In my system

The rules of The Field."

* * *

"I am Oood.

My habitation is Thace.

Even if you somehow could

Reach every nook of Space,

Still you would

Never ever find this place.

No condescension intended

Yet we know it taxes human comprehension

To accurately conceptualize parallel dimensions.

This observation notwithstanding,

Just like you,

We are standing

On the terrain of The Field."

* * *

No matter the galaxy,

Among any star family,

One truth would be revealed --

Many worlds but One Field.

Understanding illusions,

Mirages of the mind --

That's the solution

To navigating Space-Time.

There is force behind The Field.

Much more than a shield.

It links every life form --

From advanced celestial beings

To the lowliest earthworm.

Just when you think

You know what's real,

You collide with this thing

This thing called The Field.

Just when you think

You know all the basics,

You awaken to this thing

This thing called The Matrix.

All situations seem dire,

The future ominous

Until one becomes wired

Into the grid of consciousness.

It's only as real

As you think and feel --

That's the deal

Within The Field.

Watch your step,

Awaken or be killed.

You are traversing

The invisible MindField.

The only thing that matters

About all universal matter

Is this all-important matter

Of the Mind behind all matter.

©️ matt decker 

(More paradigm-obliterating discoveries await in my book Space & Rhyme)

Friday, December 17, 2021

The Numerical Miracle

Numbers are numb.

Some have succumbed.

Be ONE who won.

1️⃣ Think

1️⃣ Thing

1️⃣ Notion 

1️⃣ Motion 

1️⃣ Fact

1️⃣ Act

1️⃣ Goal

1️⃣ Roll

1️⃣ Focus

1️⃣ Opus

1️⃣ Spark

1️⃣ Start

1️⃣ Beat

1️⃣ Feat

1️⃣ Step

1️⃣ Rep

1️⃣ Bite

1️⃣ Fight

1️⃣ Devil 

1️⃣ Level

1️⃣ Moment

1️⃣ Component 

1️⃣ Day

1️⃣ Play

1️⃣ Phase

1️⃣ Stage

1️⃣ Week

1️⃣ Tweak

1️⃣ Climb

1️⃣ Line

at a time.

©️ Ma++ D=ck=r

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Light It Up

On this moonlit night
Emit I my light.
When it’s hard to think
I can always blink.

Streets lit and littered 
With streaks of glitter. 
But that neon
Won’t be on
For eons
(No doubt).
This little light of mine 
The only shine
That won’t flicker

Down here in the deep
Others struggle to see.
And predators 
Hover over.
So into the black
I react
With color.

Through today’s horror 
And tomorrow’s sorrow
Looms the quiet roar of
A luminous aurora 
And aura.

In my heart
This I know:
It takes the dark
To behold my glow.

©️ Matt Decker 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


I am hurting
As I stand here alone.
Worry grips me.
I feel it in my bones.

Often I wonder
Why this pain I must endure?
Frequently I dream
Of recovery and cure.

But hold everything -
What is this I now feel?
Moving up my leg
Can this really be real?

I have never felt this way
From any pain-relieving pill.

My whole body feels electric.
Suddenly my nerves are chilled.
The ache is no more hectic.
Why, I do believe I'm healed!

I have some things to ask
As tears glide down my cheeks.
What is this experience?
What's happening to me?

I am overtaken by euphoria
Whereas before I was bedeviled.
I feel that I'm soaring up
To a loftier spiritual level.

I don't want this to end.
It's beyond the ken of men.
In a way it is akin
To an energetic wind.

What blessing! What Godsend!
I am beginning to transcend.

What could be the source
Of this paranormal arc?
What is the force
Behind this rapturous spark?

I can feel from whence it starts
Climbing up my left leg
Which bears an outlandish mark -
The residue of an alien encounter
Experienced after dark.

What did "they" do to me?
What is the technology in play?
How can it electrify me
And drive my pain away?

Tho' limited is my perception
Still I have E.S.P.
(E)lectric (S)piritual (P)henomenon
It's as tangibly real as can be.

To this end
I have gone lyrical
To express my discovery -
The universe is spiritual.

©️ Matt Decker 

The Alien's Guide to Earth

Unillumined  the human Tuned in  to illusion  Unenlightened  always fighting Energies  of enemies    venom is in 'em. A talking  carcass...