Monday, November 6, 2023

What the Fluc?!

What goes out
Comes back around.
No doubt.

Up in the sky!
It's coming down..
Look out!

If it can rise
It can crash.
Ya know?

A flash! A blast!
Can it last?

The pendulum swings. 
The rose bush stings.
It hurts.

Better or worse
Back and then forth
Of course.

Mojo flows and it go-goes --
It yo-yos and it pogos.
How fun.

Momo's "Let's go!" slows to low-flow
And slo-mo stops at no-go and so
It runs.

Here we have a situation.
Someone named it FLUCtuation.
Who knew?

Good or bad
Inconstancy is constant.
Any given thing?
It can change at any moment.

©️ Matt Decker 

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