Friday, December 1, 2023

Time for Wisdom

As the world turns on a dime
What isn't a matter of Time?

Days became weeks
weeks bled into years
then led to now
and so on to the future.

Old news that holds true
to date:
The calendar flips the pages
of fate.

That which is ever passing 
can never be forever lasting.

Round and round it goes.
Where it quits 
When it stops
Not a mortal soul can know.

These hands carry you
o'er plains and pains and
'til at last they bury you
underneath the sprinkling 

Who has wasted it
and yet made it?

Never play with the day.
The stakes are far too great.

Think a second
before you wreck it.

You can win it
if you have a minute.

Spend an hour
when it spins dire.
You might get inspired 
and then empowered.

Don't let the moment 
become an opponent.
No you can't own it
but it can be a component.

That moment offers momentum.
It's the rhythm of The System.

Years are the gears 
operating a lifetime of Earth
vibrating as we're hesitating...
let's call it clockwork.

It's ok to hang by a thread.
What's distant isn't instant.
Progress can't be compressed.
String the thing out instead.

Time will eventually 
bandage it
if you diligently 
manage it.

Once upon a time
so goes the tale
and in the ending
What'll your time tell?

©️ Matt Decker 

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