Monday, July 2, 2018

Focus On The Right Number

Too often we get hung up on that depressing number we see displayed on the bathroom scale. It's like a neon sign reminding us of how far we are from our goal weight.
The solution is to shift our focus from that number to another, more positive number: the number we will see on that glorious day when we have reached our desired weight. Focus on that future number.

A good way to think about the power and meaning of focus is to convert the word itself into an acronym. What is focus? It is the (f)aculty (o)f (c)reating (u)nder (s)tress.
There is very real stress attached to your present weight - especially when it is so far from where you want to be. Nevertheless, you can successfully create positive results - despite the stress - by focusing on your goal weight. Focus is a faculty, and a powerful one at that. Use it.
Keep in mind that the number you see right now is only temporary. It will change, it will go down, as you take each step toward your health and fitness goal.
A simple way to get your focus in a better place is to write down the number of your goal weight. Mentally project yourself to the future date when you have won your personal battle of the bulge. When you step on the scale on that future date and a big smile comes across your face, what do you see when you look down? The answer is your goal weight. Write that number down and focus on it.
There are two ways to "cash in" this particular Slim Gem. You can either write it down every day or you can write it once and post it in a place where you will see it often. Why not stick it on your bathroom scale (or at least near your bathroom scale)? This simple idea will help you focus on the positive goal in your future rather than getting stuck in the frustration of your present weight.

© Matt Decker

» This post is excerpted from my booklet  SLIM GEMS: 10 Priceless Weight Loss Techniques

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