Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Trap of Secondary Effects

NOODOO is a powerful force. But there is a caveat. It's possible to implement a bunch of changes but still fail to see a significant difference or improvement in your reality. Have you ever experienced this? (I have.) Talk about frustrating! Especially in light of the fact that the complete application of NOODOO is virtually tantamount to opening a "portal" to a brand new world.

When you experience the frustration and failure of nothing changing that really matters, there is more than likely a good reason. And here it is..You are falling victim to a phenomenon that I call THE LAW OF SECONDARY EFFECTS.

This law, or principle, is a corollary to another law - THE LAW OF EFFECTS. In short, these two principles combined state the following:

"Everything is an effect." 
"Every effect is either primary or secondary."

What does this mean, from a practical standpoint? And why should you and I care? You see, if you are making a lot of changes but not making much of a dent in your old reality, it's probably because you are only addressing these secondary effects. In actuality, we humans have far less problems than we think we do. Most of what we call problems are actually mere by-products (secondary effects) of a bigger problem - the REAL problem. Deal with THAT primary problem, direct the force of NOODOO at that key issue, and those pesky secondary effects will undoubtedly and eventually go away, as if by (dare I say?) magic.

To put it another way..Tip over that first domino, then watch all the other dominoes hit the deck.

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