Friday, November 23, 2018

The NOODOO Workout

15 Cycle-Breaking Exercises

1.) Ask yourself, "What would be out of character for me?". A similar version of this question: "What would be unlike me?".

2.) Practice walking in reverse. For those with balance or mobility issues, practice visualizing walking in reverse.

3.) As you go about your day, practice asking yourself, "What would be the opposite of this?".

4.) Practice saying to yourself, "There's got to be a better way than this!". Say it at least once every hour throughout the day.

5.) Meditate on the following affirmation: "There is something new that I can do."

6.) Ask yourself, "How can I apply the magic of NOODOO to this situation or problem?".

7.) Simply repeat the words 'NEW DO' at regular points throughout the day or when you are confronted with a problem. A good idea is to do it after you awaken each morning, before getting out of bed. It will help to prime your mind for the day ahead.

8.) Meditate on the following thought: "Out with the old, in with the new!".

9.) Make a list of the old ideas in your daily life. Then make a second list of corresponding new and alternative ideas to replace the items on your first list.

10.) Practice using your non-dominant hand. If you are right-handed (as I am), use your left hand instead throughout the day, and vice versa.

11.) Wear your clothes inside out when at home.

12.) Turn objects in your home upside down. Why? This will serve as a visual reminder of NOODOO. It will represent the principle of inversion to your mind.

13.) Utilize the power of symbols to help you tap into the magic of NOODOO. A simple (yet powerful) way to represent NOODOO to your brain is to draw a circle, then draw a line through it. The circle represents a negative cycle and the line represents the interrupting of that cycle. Put the two together and you have a powerfully simple symbol to represent the breaking of a looping pattern. If you don't wish to draw it on paper, you can trace the symbol in the air with your finger (although I wouldn't necessarily recommend doing this in public). You can also practice visualizing the symbol in your imagination which you can do anywhere with no one else knowing what you're doing.

14.) Ask yourself, "What is the most boring, conventional, obvious thing I can do?". Once you have an answer, do the opposite. 

15.) "Pocket Change" - Think of a small change you can make. Next, write the idea on a card or slip of paper. Keep the note in your pocket. At various points throughout the day, take it out and read it.

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