I would like to expose some of the most insidious thoughts that prevent us from creating a new reality. These negative notions rob us of the opportunity to break our cycles. They are in effect the enemies of NOODOO.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
This line of thinking seems reasonable enough on the surface. But the problem with it is that, many times, an area of our lives is broke but we don't realize it. We assume everything is fine so we don't even consider a new approach.
"But this is the way it has always been done!"
So what? That is merely a statement of fact. It doesn't provide a legitimate reason for continuing to do it the same, old, tired way. If we want something different, we must do something different. We can't get new results as long as we are stuck in an old cycle. Remember: nothing changes if nothing changes. Chew on that for a bit.
"Change makes me feel uncomfortable."
This one usually takes place on a subconscious level. It's not something we would normally verbalize or even consciously think to ourselves. (By the way, many of the enemies of NOODOO carry on their work under the cover of darkness, in the deep recesses of the subconscious.) It's actually a good sign if we are feeling uncomfortable. It means we are starting to dip our toes in new waters and that is where change happens.
“Change is hard. It's much easier to just go with the flow and keep things as they are."
Again we have spotted one of those subconscious sneaks. If you allow this "program" to run in your mental machinery, it will almost certainly disrupt your conscious attempts at self-improvement, much in the same way a virus will infect your computer and disrupt its operation. Change doesn't have to be hard. There are plenty of small changes you can make which can have a big impact. Don't fall for this NOODOO enemy's lie.
"Change is too complicated. I wouldn't even know where to begin."
Begin at the beginning. Begin with the first step. Ask yourself, "What's the first step?". Then take it one step at a time from there. Don't fall into the trap of worrying about the entire process at once. Focus on the step immediately in front of you. Before you know it, the cycle will be broken.
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