Thursday, November 1, 2018

Welcome to NOOvember

I am officially designating this month "NOOvember" in reference to the concept of NOODOO, which I have written an eBook about. (Okay, maybe it's not so official, but still.) In actuality, it's much more than a book or a fun play on words. NOODOO is a philosophy, a way of thinking and thus, a way of life. 

Throughout this month, I will be sharing quotes from "The Magic of NOODOO" to serve as inspiration and motivation for tapping into the power of the new. So without further aDOO, here's the first NOOget (yeah I know, I've really got to stop that alternate spelling thing)...

NOODOO This » Repeat this affirmation multiple times a day, every day, until it becomes programmed into your subconscious mind.

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