Wednesday, December 5, 2018

DEVILTRON: The Ultimate Villain (How to Defeat Him)


''Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of The Decepticons!'' 
So goes the classic Transformers theme song - music to my young ears back in the day. Led by the maleficent Megatron, The Decepticons are the ''bad guys'' in the superbot saga. These vehicular villains are the sworn enemies of the benevolent Autobots. Possessing red eyes, they are as menacing as they look. However, they have the ability to assume many forms, disguising their true identities and intentions. These transformations include aircraft, ground-based vehicles, weapons and even small objects. 

If the name of these rogue robots strike a familiar chord, there's a good reason for it. They get their title from the well-known (and spiritually-important) noun deception. What you see isn't necessarily what you get. There is truly more than meets the eye - and this applies to more than the good forces. I think you know where I'm going with this... 

» 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 (emphasis mine) 
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, TRANSFORMING themselves into the apostles of Christ. 
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is TRANSFORMED into an angel of light. 
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be TRANSFORMED as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. 
It's worthy of note that the word transform plays a key role in each of the Super Scriptures cited above. The Apostle Paul is writing about the dark side of transformation. There are nefarious ''transformers'' at work in our universe, our world, our earthly realm - analogous to The Decepticons who menace fictional cosmic territory. But unlike their imaginatively invented counterparts, these treacherous transformers are very real and very active. The mission: to deceive as many souls as possible. Deception is the goal. 
''...deceitful workers...''  Deceitful is a synonym for deceptive. Deceit is another word for deception. Contextually, Paul is warning the Corinthian believers about human deceivers who were masquerading as apostles of Christ. These imposters were slipping in among the congregation, pretending to be ''ministers of righteousness'' when, in fact, they were wolves in disguise (see Matthew 7:15). 

They looked the part. They dressed the part. They said the right things. They uttered all the spiritual-sounding words and phrases. But there was, unfortunately, more there than met the eye. If a body looked closely enough, he could almost perceive the tell-tale insignia of The Decepticons affixed to these pseudo-preachers with their ''ravening'' agenda. 
''...false apostles...''  Paul, serving as a genuine apostle, could authoritatively expose these counterfeits. They took on the form of the true in order to deceive and divide. They took advantage of the human tendency to focus on the surface of things, neglecting to discern the inner truth of a matter (or person). 

Alas! We see this same pattern in our present day. Even Spirit-filled Christians are vulnerable to this if not properly equipped with the truth of the Super Scriptures. 

Sometimes a sheep is a sheep. But sometimes a ''sheep'' is actually a wolf who has transformed himself into an innocent-looking sheep. The only way to discern the difference is to learn the Holy Word and to be led by the Holy Spirit
Decepticons are imbued with life via a mythical cube known as ''The AllSpark,'' making sentient beings out of cold metal. No Decepticon poses any threat without this cosmic source of life. Similarly, the real deceivers are the evil spirits who employ human agents to work deception and consequent destruction. These ''spiritual decepticons,'' hiding in the shadows of the unseen realm, are the ''spark'' behind the deception of which we have been warned. 

» Ephesians 6:12 
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness [wicked spirits] in high places. 
There is more to ''flesh and blood'' than meets the eye. There is more to ''false apostles'' and ''deceitful workers'' than meets the eye. Look to the spiritual source of the seemingly human conflict. The darkness of this world does not originate from this world. There are ''rulers'' behind the darkness, and these unseen potentates are demonic in origin. The human wickedness we see around us arises from the spiritual wickedness above us - in high (heavenly) places, in the space surrounding our planet. Wicked bodies are ''vehicles'' for wicked spirits. These are the true spiritual decepticons. 
Paul writes to Timothy that, in the latter times of the prophetic calendar, there will be some who will depart from the faith (1 Timothy 4:1). This sad prediction doesn't arise from the great apostle's own sanctified mind. On the contrary, it is spoken ''expressly'' by the Holy Spirit. The cause of this backsliding and apostasy? The deserters give heed to ''seducing spirits'' and ''doctrines of devils.'' 

Seduction doesn't work if it is announced as such; it must be disguised as (transformed into) the truth. And who would willingly and knowingly listen to a sermon preached by an actual demon? The deception is sown by smiling, hand-shaking, self-proclaimed ''ministers of righteousness,'' and it is presented as the shining truth. Beware of the spiritual decepticons! 
Let us now pivot back to our foundational scripture passage. Sandwiched between two verses concerning foes of flesh, the Bible digs down to the root of the problem in verse 14: 

» 2 Corinthians 11:14 
14 And no marvel; for [because] Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
To paraphrase, Paul tells the Corinthian flock, ''You shouldn't be surprised at the transformation of these imposters and counterfeits into ministers of righteousness. After all, they are merely mimicking their master - Satan. They are following the lead of their leader, the original and ultimate Deceiver, who transforms himself into an angel of light.'' 

What could be more heavenly than an angel of light? This illustrates the sophistication and diabolical strategy of the devil's devices, which Paul had already written about earlier in the epistle (2:11). 
Actually, it can be accurately stated that the Prince of Darkness transforms himself back into an angel of light. That is, after all, precisely his former identity as Lucifer before his epic expulsion from Heaven (Isaiah 14:12-15). He is not a novice in spiritual warfare. He has been at this for a very long time. He is the spiritual version of Megatron - lethal leader of The Decepticons. He hates the Super Scriptures, but he knows them inside and out. And he will use every opportunity to twist them for his deceptive and diabolic purposes. 

» John 8:44
44 ...the devil...was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 
The only way to expose and overcome the lies of ''Deviltron'' is to arm yourself with the Super Scriptures. The dark shadows of deception are scattered by the glorious illumination of God's Word. The spiritual decepticons are unable to withstand the energy-blast of eternal Truth, for it is powered by God Himself! 

(This post is excerpted from my booklet THE REAL TRANSFORMERS. The booklet is excerpted from my full-length book SUPER SCRIPTURES ON EARTH.)

© Matt Decker

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