Monday, April 8, 2019

The Trouble is The Bubble!

(The following post is inspired by a dream. Literally.)

Do you live in a bubble? 

According to one scientific theory, we all do. I will stay in my lane and not embarrass myself by attempting to describe the technical details. But essentially, this theory posits that our universe could be merely one "bubble" that's floating within a vast sea of other bubble universes. 

But on a more practical and everyday level, we all live in a bubble of sorts. This invisible bubble contains our families, friends, acquaintances, habits, thought patterns, paradigms, limits and limitations - everything that is comfortably familiar to us. And like a store shelf that's lined with a row of snow globes, we can look around and "see" the other bubbles. Every person on the street, every talking head on television, every human being lives and operates inside a particular bubble. It's a bubble of consciousness, a bubble of personal reality. Our bubble affords us a sense of security and stability. But it also confines our perception, allowing us to only experience a version of reality that conforms to our conceptual comfort zone.

What, then, shall we do?

There are two ways to mess with your bubble. For one thing, you can stretch and expand it. This is done by any new action, any new idea, that shifts your paradigm and expands your world -- i.e., your bubble. This way, your bubble will start to seem bigger. The other thing you can do is to POP your bubble. This is a higher attainment of consciousness in which you begin to see the interconnectedness of all things. It's a new mindset, an unfettered and unlimited scope of consciousness. Once this peak of enlightenment occurs, you can no longer be confined within a bubble. You will recognize other people's bubbles, but you are too expansive and universal in your thinking to continue floating within any pocket of limited possibility.

(I saw this exact phrase in my dream.)

What does it mean to be a master of mastery? It's really all about a mindset, a mentality, of mastery. Will we master our challenges, or be mastered by our challenges? Will we be masterful or miserable? This choice is ever before us. No matter the challenge, there is a key to master it. Our task is to find the key whereby the challenge can be mastered. It's always a mental key. Once this discovery happens, we will be masters of mastery.

(You can thank, or blame, my subconscious for this.)

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