Friday, July 31, 2020

Faith is Golden

Heavenly Father,
I approach Your throne 
Knowing full well
The treasures You own.

You are not bound by this world's economy.
Heaven's provision is available constantly.

It's determined by Kingdom policy.
It's governed by Kingdom sovereignty.

Unlimited is Your methodology
Of getting the money to me.

You multiplied the fish and loaves.
Thy supply satisfied the droves.
Will You not for me do the same?
I claim the best in Your blest name.

Even as manna rained down from above
Your hand of Providence will show up
And it will be more than enough
So overflowing shall be my cup.

"The blessing of the LORD maketh rich" 
And You will add no trouble to it.

Forgive me for yielding to mediocrity
Loose me from the limits of religiosity
That I may experience Your generosity.

Even as living is linked to believing
So my giving dictates my receiving.

As reliable as the Law of Gravity
Reaping follows the sowing of seed.

There is tremendous force
In looking to You first
As my supply and source.

I turn to Your Word above all else.
It gives me power to get wealth.

I will soon have more than I do now.
It's not for me to figure out how.

At the perfect moment in time
You'll drop an idea into my mind.

Then the conceptions I birth and bring forth
Will ultimately amount to my net worth.

You have the ideal idea for me --
Maybe a commodity or a complete novelty.

You are the Creator
And You've made me one too.
Inspire me with the fire
To create something new.

The possibilities reach near to infinity!
You are with me and within me.
That means I have a winning team.

So I take my spiritual authority
And claim my biblical prosperity.


© Matt Decker

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