Sunday, November 28, 2021


breathe \'brēth\ v : brief and deep : it brings relief

concentrate \'kän-sən-trāt\ v : juice to use with your contemplate 

intuit \in-'tü-ət, -'tyü-\ v : before the choice, a voice : tune in to it

start \'stärt\ v 1: to what end? 2: it has to begin

risk \'risk\ v 1: games are played for goals 2: dice are made to roll

fight \'fīt\ v : the fetal position is a futile condition 

expect \ik-'spekt\ v 1: reception begins at conception 2: faith has a due date

learn \'lərn\ v : school's always in session : fools miss the lessons 

give \'giv\ v : only hands outstretched can complete the catch

heal \'hēl\ v : be the change to someone's pain

unite \yů-'nīt\ v : division is not the vision 

©️ Matt Decker 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Fog Light

In the haze of this maze
Dazed and fazed by crazed days 

Through the enshrouding cloud
Cloaked and choked in the crowd

Amidst this mess and mist
A kiss of bliss oft missed 

Beneath these sheets of grief 
Bereaved of all relief 

Behind mind's blinding veil 
Misty eyes tell through scales 

Across that mossy bog
These beat feet slowly slog 

Under thunderous sky 
Wondering why yet I

Focus On God.

©️ Matt Decker 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Tap In

Scattered by matters?
Think About Patterns.

Beasts won't cease?
Think About Peace.

Disturbed and nervous?
Think About Purpose.

News and noise?
Think About Poise.

Coward who cowers?
Think About Power.

Dejection upon reflection?
Think About Perception.

A defective objective?
Think About Perspective.

Regressed from progress?
Think About Process.

Slow to step?
Think About Pep.

Plans in abeyance?
Think About Patience.

Assistance for resistance?
Think About Persistence.

Hexed by inflexibility?
Think About Possibilities.

Proclivity for negativity?
Think About Positivity.

Trend not a
Tap the App

©️ Matt Decker 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Time Traveler's Lesson

Oh the scenes I've seen...

Through it all I saw
Power sought,
Towers wrought.
Wars were fought.
Spoils caught.
I walked golden halls 
Built by royal laws.
Still behind it all --
A crowned clown,
A human flawed.
And so a kingdom falls.

Bright lights
Dimmed into night.
What now appalls 
Once enthralled.

The dust always settled.
I looked down...
On the ground...
Crushed petals.
Behold the old rusted metal
And medals.
But it never beat
After the wins,
A chapter ends.
Days and facts
Faded to black.

It was there
I fell to despair.
But in my somber pall,
My spirit called 
And reminded me to mind the
Timeless truth 
Inside of me.

Hearts beat.
Dark retreats.
Thistles shrivel
And, for a time,
The plot repeats.

Moments! These moments!
They are fragile components
And sometimes opponents.

The superficial 
And artificial --
Not an affordable 
Even for one granted 

The forest,
After all,
Lies beyond these

©️ Matt Decker 

Eye Can See It

•• Space and Time ° I see Mind •• Matter in creation ° I see vibration •• Steady-state solidity  ° I see fluidity  •• Sensory intrusion ° I ...