Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Heal Your Hertz

speaks to me
weakens me.

Miracle in Melody
When hell yells
at me
'Tis quite the noise
This quiets the noise
A well in me
bringing well
to me
this miracle of melody --

Healing in Harmony
When disharmony
is harming me
this harmony
is arming me
against the demonic
Harmonic Tonic --

Sound makes me sound
I feel sound by the sound

Some ride waves
Others drown
Recovery found
upon discovery
of a sound sound


Of course
a force lurks
in the vibe rate
of verse set to hertz
that why I vibe
and vibrate.

© Matt Decker

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

"It's a NEW Day!"

Morning NOODOO
There are opportunities to practice NOODOO throughout each day. These begin the moment you open your eyes. It's very important you seize these early opportunities because they prime your mind for the day ahead.

1.) Say The NOODOO Prayer before getting out of bed. (You will find this prayer in a previous post.)

2.) Get out of bed on the opposite side from your custom. (Of course this idea will work best if your significant other has already gotten out of bed.) It's better to get up on the opposite side of the bed than the wrong side of the bed!

3.) If you do physical exercise in the morning, mix up your workout. Do a different exercise every morning. If you are not in the habit of morning workouts, then doing any exercise will be a new idea and thus an application of NOODOO.

4.) If you watch the morning news (God help you), then watch a different newscast. Better yet, get your daily dose of news from a different medium such as the radio or the Internet. And if you want to really shake things up, go online and watch a newscast from another part of the world.

5.) Brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand.  

6.) Eat something new for breakfast.

7.) Leave your home through a different door from your usual exit.

8.) Take a different route to work or school.

9.) Listen to a new radio station in your automobile on the way to work or school.

"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." ~Eleanor Roosevelt~

Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Enemies of Positive Change (EXPOSED!)

I would like to expose some of the most insidious thoughts that prevent us from creating a new reality. These negative notions rob us of the opportunity to break our cycles. They are in effect the enemies of NOODOO

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
This line of thinking seems reasonable enough on the surface. But the problem with it is that, many times, an area of our lives is broke but we don't realize it. We assume everything is fine so we don't even consider a new approach.

"But this is the way it has always been done!"
So what? That is merely a statement of fact. It doesn't provide a legitimate reason for continuing to do it the same, old, tired way. If we want something different, we must do something different. We can't get new results as long as we are stuck in an old cycle. Remember: nothing changes if nothing changes. Chew on that for a bit.

"Change makes me feel uncomfortable."
This one usually takes place on a subconscious level. It's not something we would normally verbalize or even consciously think to ourselves. (By the way, many of the enemies of NOODOO carry on their work under the cover of darkness, in the deep recesses of the subconscious.) It's actually a good sign if we are feeling uncomfortable. It means we are starting to dip our toes in new waters and that is where change happens. 

“Change is hard. It's much easier to just go with the flow and keep things as they are."
Again we have spotted one of those subconscious sneaks. If you allow this "program" to run in your mental machinery, it will almost certainly disrupt your conscious attempts at self-improvement, much in the same way a virus will infect your computer and disrupt its operation. Change doesn't have to be hard. There are plenty of small changes you can make which can have a big impact. Don't fall for this NOODOO enemy's lie. 

"Change is too complicated. I wouldn't even know where to begin." 
Begin at the beginning. Begin with the first step. Ask yourself, "What's the first step?". Then take it one step at a time from there. Don't fall into the trap of worrying about the entire process at once. Focus on the step immediately in front of you. Before you know it, the cycle will be broken. 

Friday, November 23, 2018

The NOODOO Workout

15 Cycle-Breaking Exercises

1.) Ask yourself, "What would be out of character for me?". A similar version of this question: "What would be unlike me?".

2.) Practice walking in reverse. For those with balance or mobility issues, practice visualizing walking in reverse.

3.) As you go about your day, practice asking yourself, "What would be the opposite of this?".

4.) Practice saying to yourself, "There's got to be a better way than this!". Say it at least once every hour throughout the day.

5.) Meditate on the following affirmation: "There is something new that I can do."

6.) Ask yourself, "How can I apply the magic of NOODOO to this situation or problem?".

7.) Simply repeat the words 'NEW DO' at regular points throughout the day or when you are confronted with a problem. A good idea is to do it after you awaken each morning, before getting out of bed. It will help to prime your mind for the day ahead.

8.) Meditate on the following thought: "Out with the old, in with the new!".

9.) Make a list of the old ideas in your daily life. Then make a second list of corresponding new and alternative ideas to replace the items on your first list.

10.) Practice using your non-dominant hand. If you are right-handed (as I am), use your left hand instead throughout the day, and vice versa.

11.) Wear your clothes inside out when at home.

12.) Turn objects in your home upside down. Why? This will serve as a visual reminder of NOODOO. It will represent the principle of inversion to your mind.

13.) Utilize the power of symbols to help you tap into the magic of NOODOO. A simple (yet powerful) way to represent NOODOO to your brain is to draw a circle, then draw a line through it. The circle represents a negative cycle and the line represents the interrupting of that cycle. Put the two together and you have a powerfully simple symbol to represent the breaking of a looping pattern. If you don't wish to draw it on paper, you can trace the symbol in the air with your finger (although I wouldn't necessarily recommend doing this in public). You can also practice visualizing the symbol in your imagination which you can do anywhere with no one else knowing what you're doing.

14.) Ask yourself, "What is the most boring, conventional, obvious thing I can do?". Once you have an answer, do the opposite. 

15.) "Pocket Change" - Think of a small change you can make. Next, write the idea on a card or slip of paper. Keep the note in your pocket. At various points throughout the day, take it out and read it.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

What's On The Table?

The word 'innovate' originates from a root word that means 'new.' 

To innovate is to bring something new to the table.

What new "stuff" are you bringing to the table?

"In every thing give thanks:
for this is the will of God 
in Christ Jesus concerning you."

~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ~

Friday, November 16, 2018

Second to None

Big Benny Bulger bought big beefy bulky burgers at bustling Burger Box.
Bill Bing Brock built buildings between blocks by building with blocks.

Brookborough's bungling burglar broke into backs of burgundy bungalows.
But between burglaries the bandit boogie-bebopped by bluegrass banjo.

Blake burnt Betsy's brittle breakfast-bacon bit by blackened bite.
But Blake bounced back by baking brilliant blueberry bagels b-right.

Biscuits bathed in butter bust buttons by bulging bellies big.
But business blesses bank books of budgeting billionaire bigwigs.

By the by, Billy B. Bobbins bought bunches of bags of buns.
But Brother Bobbins bestowed the bread on a beggin' bum.

Boy's bouncy blue ball buoyantly bounced by bedrooms and backdoors.
Busy babies in bumper-buggies babble and burp in Bay Bea's Bookstore.

Bump! Boo! A boogie-bogey buzzes by Bella Baker's Barbie bed.
Besides Bella's brother Bobby bustled through briars but bled.

Blind black bats badly bullied and bedeviled boys bearing backpacks.
But beautiful butterflies breezed by bringing boys blessed bliss back.

©️ Matt Decker 

Consider This

It's important to realize that NOODOO is programmed into our universe. Newness is natural. We can see this in numerous ways. I have listed but a few below, for your consideration. 

» About 275 million new stars are born everyday.

» During your lifetime, your skin will completely replace itself 900 times.

» Every year, around 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced.

» When you learn something new, the structure of your brain changes.

» Approximately 350,000 babies are born every single day.

» The darkness unfailingly gives way to the dawn, offering each of us a new day with new opportunities to experience a new reality.

» The pain of a broken relationship can be replaced by the joy of new love.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

How to Become a Master

What would our world be like without the underlying principle that makes up NOODOO? Let's think about it for a bit.
Look around you. Every material object you see had to be invented. It had to be created at some point in time. Before it could be created and materialized into our physical reality, it had to first be conceived in a human mind as a new idea. Someone had to utilize the NOODOO mindset. Someone had to break the cycle of doing it in the same, old way. Someone had to think to themselves, "There's got to be a better way!".
This is the thought pattern that drives innovation, and innovation is the fuel that drives the engine of civilization. It has been this way since the dawn of mankind on the earth. 

"Thought is the original source of all wealth, all success, all material gain, all great discoveries and inventions, and of all achievement. Without it...there would be no advance over life in the most primitive ages." » Claude Bristol
I think of the inventors and innovators from the halls of history down to the present day as the Masters of NOODOO. Where would we be as a world without these thinkers who aren't afraid to break old patterns of doing things - thinkers who understand the inestimable value of having a "new" mentality?
Let's apply this thought to our everyday lives. We can use the NOODOO mindset to "invent" new ways of doing ordinary things and new approaches to problems. After all, invention is a way of thinking. Innovation is a way of thinking and a way of life.

"We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery..." » Ralph Waldo Emerson
The practice of NOODOO is all about the production of new, alternative ideas.

💡 NOODOO This » Practice saying to yourself, "There's got to be a better way than this!". Say it at least once every hour as you go about your day. I think you will find that your mind will begin to apply it to all sorts of problems and everyday situations you face. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Trap of Secondary Effects

NOODOO is a powerful force. But there is a caveat. It's possible to implement a bunch of changes but still fail to see a significant difference or improvement in your reality. Have you ever experienced this? (I have.) Talk about frustrating! Especially in light of the fact that the complete application of NOODOO is virtually tantamount to opening a "portal" to a brand new world.

When you experience the frustration and failure of nothing changing that really matters, there is more than likely a good reason. And here it is..You are falling victim to a phenomenon that I call THE LAW OF SECONDARY EFFECTS.

This law, or principle, is a corollary to another law - THE LAW OF EFFECTS. In short, these two principles combined state the following:

"Everything is an effect." 
"Every effect is either primary or secondary."

What does this mean, from a practical standpoint? And why should you and I care? You see, if you are making a lot of changes but not making much of a dent in your old reality, it's probably because you are only addressing these secondary effects. In actuality, we humans have far less problems than we think we do. Most of what we call problems are actually mere by-products (secondary effects) of a bigger problem - the REAL problem. Deal with THAT primary problem, direct the force of NOODOO at that key issue, and those pesky secondary effects will undoubtedly and eventually go away, as if by (dare I say?) magic.

To put it another way..Tip over that first domino, then watch all the other dominoes hit the deck.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

How Flexible Are You?

The concept of NOODOO is taught in the field of psychology, but it goes by another name. Psychologists refer to it as mental flexibility. Same idea, different name. 

Mental flexibility refers to a person's ability and willingness to break free from rigid patterns of thought and consider new approaches to a problem or challenge. It's about our ability to lay aside old ideas and think of new ideas. Some other names for this principle are thinking outside the box, unconventional thinking, divergent thinking, creative thinking and lateral thinking

💡 NOODOO This » Stretch a rubber band between your fingers. This simple exercise can serve as a visual cue to practice mental flexibility.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Is This You?

NOODOO "Checkup"

» Do you ever grow weary of doing the same thing over and over, day in and day out? 

» Do you sometimes feel that you are stuck in a rut? 

» Do you ever sigh or roll your eyes and exclaim, "Here we go again! It's the same old story!"? 

» Do you carry on an activity or perform a task so often that you don't even consider the possibility of doing it another way? 

» Are you plagued by a stubborn problem or situation that keeps defeating you? 
If you answered yes to any (or all) of the above questions, then you are a candidate for the "magic" of NOODOO. 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

NOODOO in The Bible

"Sing unto the LORD a new song..." 
» The Prophet Isaiah, 42:10

"[The LORD's mercies] are new every morning..." 
» The Prophet Jeremiah, Lamentations 3:23

"No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved." 
» Jesus Christ, Matthew 9:16-17

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 
» The Apostle Paul, 2 Corinthians 5:17

"Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him..." 
» The Apostle Paul, Colossians 3:9-10

"Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh..." 
» Hebrews 10:19-20

"And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new..." 
» Saint John, Revelation 21:5

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Stop the Absurdity!

The absurdity of clinging to self-defeating patterns can be seen by thinking about various real-world examples. Consider the following:

» watching the same movie or the same movie scene over and over

» watching reruns of a television show, or the same episode, over and over while missing out on the variety of other programming available

» reading the same book over and over to the exclusion of all other books

» reading the first chapter of a book over and over while ignoring the rest of the book

» reading one sentence or one paragraph over and over when there are so many more sentences and paragraphs to read

» buying a music CD of your favorite singer or band and only listening to one hit song while never giving any of the other tracks a chance

» a scratched CD that gets "stuck" on one part of a song

» trying to compete in a bicycle race by riding on a stationary bike, expending a lot of strenuous effort while making no progress

» an aspiring bodybuilder who lifts the same amount of weight, never moving up to heavier weights, while hoping to get bigger and bigger

» a restaurant that serves only one dish

» a church choir that only sings one hymn or only one verse of a hymn over and over

» a pastor who preaches the same sermon during every church service when there is so much more that the congregation needs to hear

» going to the same vacation spot year after year

» eating the same meal for dinner, night after night
While some of the aforementioned examples might seem ridiculous, well that's the point. The purpose of the list is to illustrate the absurdity of allowing ourselves to get caught up in confining patterns of behavior and actions which fail to get us what we want.

Friday, November 9, 2018

The Same Old Story?

Have you noticed the human tendency to "write the same story"? 

There are so many instances in the course of the average day, and so many missed opportunities, to apply the power of NOODOO that will undoubtedly surprise you when your eyes are opened to it. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Alternative Dimension

We have the power to create our own little alternate world by tapping into the magic of NOODOO. How? There are alternatives for all sorts of the things that make up our daily lives. There are new choices, new decisions and new ideas which, once implemented, can transform our personal world into a new reality.
The principle of NOODOO affords us the opportunity to essentially open up a "portal" of sorts to a new reality. 
💡 NOODOO This » Ask yourself the following question: "What would be out of character for me?" A variation of this question would be: "What would be unlike me?"
There is an additional layer to this idea. There exists a fascinating theory within the field of quantum physics known as the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI). This thought-provoking theory was initially put forth by quantum physicist Hugh Everett way back in the 1950's. 
According to MWI, our world - indeed our universe - is only one of many worlds and many universes within a larger "multiverse." In fact, the word 'many' doesn't do the idea justice. Only the word 'infinite' will do.
The reality we know, says MWI, is constantly splitting or branching off into an infinite variety of alternate realities where everything is not only possible, but actually takes place. A consequence of this construct is that there are infinite versions of YOU somewhere out there in the multiverse.
The point I wish to highlight here is that we can enjoy the newness of an alternate world in the here-and-now by practicing the magic of NOODOO. We don't need to open a literal, material portal to one of these parallel universes in order to wake up in a fresh, new reality. Portals are everywhere! All we have to do is look for opportunities to take new actions and implement new ideas.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Attract Opposites

"If every instinct you have is wrong,
then the opposite would have to be right."
😂  Jerry Seinfeld  ðŸ˜…

💡 NOODOO This » As you go about your day, practice asking yourself, "What would be the opposite of this?" Never underestimate the power of asking yourself the right question.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The UnComfort Zone

It's a good sign if we are feeling uncomfortable. 

It means we are starting to dip our toes in new waters and that is where change happens. 

Monday, November 5, 2018


On January 6, 1975, daytime television viewers were introduced to a brand new game show called The Wheel of Fortune, created by the late media mogul Merv Griffin. Although the show has experienced cancellation and network change during the decades, it remains as an iconic feature of the t.v. landscape to this day. 
While the ultimate goal for contestants is to solve word puzzles, Wheel is so named because of the giant carnival wheel which is spun to win cash and prizes. The wheel is essentially an oversized version of the roulette wheel.
Imagine that your life is a game show. Things are not going as you had hoped because this game show is called "The Wheel of MISfortune." Rather than solving a word puzzle, you are tasked with trying to solve much more complex and frustrating problems. 
The wheel represents the failure cycle of doing the same things in the same way, also known as old ideas. This wheel won't stop unless you make a conscious effort to stop it. The spinning of this wheel won't win you delightful prizes; only more misery, frustration and negative results.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

A "New" Way to Pray (The NOODOO Prayer)

The NOODOO Prayer

"God, grant me the flexibility 
To break this cycle of monotony
And to create
A new and better reality.
Help me to see
The variety
Of choices available to me
And the many possibilities
Stretching nearly to infinity.

© Matt Decker

💡 NOODOO This » Memorize this prayer and say it before getting out of bed each morning. 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

How to Not Be Lame

<The NOODOO Motto>


The same is lame, and not only in the modern sense (i.e., not cool). Doing the same thing, recycling the same ideas, is also "lame" in the sense of lacking power to effect a positive difference. And, according to that overused but still true saying, it's also the definition of insanity.

Who wants to be lame? NOODOO is the antidote.

Friday, November 2, 2018

When Will It Change?

You don't get new results by doing the same thing. 

Or in the words of Henry David Thoreau:
"Things do not change; 
We change."

Why It's Not Changing

Need a situation to change for the better? Then change something for the better. Or to put it another way...


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Don't Get It Twisted

In the interest of avoiding confusion, let me be abundantly clear. The "magic" of NOODOO has absolutely nothing to do with the similar-sounding practice of Voodoo, spells, black magic or any such thing. I am a Christian, so obviously I could not and would not promote such activities. As I write in the Introduction to my eBook: 

"What is this mysterious-sounding concept to which I refer? First it is necessary to explain what NOODOO is not. Despite the fact that it sounds like the word voodoo, I assure you it has nothing to do with rituals, dolls, black magic  or any such thing. The concept is much simpler than any of that, but the simplicity doesn't take away from its power."

The term NOODOO was invented when I combined two very simple (but very important) words: "new" and "do." 

For those who are put off or even scared away by my use of the word "magic" in the title, a few points are in order. Firstly, our modern word MAGIC has roots in the ancient word MAGI. And as even the little ones know, the Magi are an essential part of the Christmas story. Furthermore, it's common to use the words "magic" and "magical" in our modern vernacular. (Have you ever met anyone with a 'magical' personality? Have you ever tried anything that 'worked like magic'? Or have you ever enjoyed a 'magical night' with your significant other?) Lastly, the magic of NOODOO lies in the incredible results that can be achieved by tapping into THE POWER OF THE NEW - results that seem like magic.

Look for more NOODOO nuggets throughout the month!

Welcome to NOOvember

I am officially designating this month "NOOvember" in reference to the concept of NOODOO, which I have written an eBook about. (Okay, maybe it's not so official, but still.) In actuality, it's much more than a book or a fun play on words. NOODOO is a philosophy, a way of thinking and thus, a way of life. 

Throughout this month, I will be sharing quotes from "The Magic of NOODOO" to serve as inspiration and motivation for tapping into the power of the new. So without further aDOO, here's the first NOOget (yeah I know, I've really got to stop that alternate spelling thing)...

NOODOO This » Repeat this affirmation multiple times a day, every day, until it becomes programmed into your subconscious mind.

The Alien's Guide to Earth

Unillumined  the human Tuned in  to illusion  Unenlightened  always fighting Energies  of enemies    venom is in 'em. A talking  carcass...